Nightmares/Morag's Trial/Morag's Banishment

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*a few weeks had past since Lolo left to find her daughter and everything has changed since then

Lucille returned to the afterlife due to her family and her descendants finally seeking the justice they deserved for the past 400 years 

Morag's trial had a date and it was coming up pretty quickly for Lincoln he went into a deep depression he had began to blame himself 

For his parents Lola Lynn and Lisa's demise and being so easily manipulated by Morag he was traumatized by the event that happened to his parents and three sisters 

Lori tried to convince Lincoln to help repair the town but even she and the towns folk knew Lincoln needed some time alone

Soon Scott was hired by the remaining Loud's to be their castle caretaker and groundskeeper he was certainly better than the manipulative devil that Morag was and had a heart of gold

Lincoln had may traumatic nightmares of his parents three sisters and angus angrily chastising him that it was his fault that they died and his fault that Morag easily manipulated him 

But this night his nightmare would be different we soon cut to Lincoln having a different nightmare* 

Lincoln: *tossing and turning* no! No no no no please no! 

*we see Lincoln running from Morag who was a dragon queen as she had Lela on her side ready to kill him* 

Dragon Morag: get back here you stupid buffoon!! 

Lincoln: *Scared* get away from me! 

Dragon Morag: you're a Loud and all Loud's must be destroyed! Now stop running like the weak pathetic fool you are and face you're death! 

Lincoln: *scared* No! I'm going to outrun you no matter the cost!! 

*Lincoln continues to run for his life until he's corned by Lela and Dragon Morag* 

Dragon Morag: any last words loud! 

Lincoln: please! I beg for mercy! Im sorry if my family annoyed you're family please don't kill me!! 

Dragon Morag: no mercy for a loud! no prepare to be loud no more brat!! 

*as Dragon Morag and Lela breath fire on him Lincoln screams and it attracts the attention of Luna who rushes into his bedroom* 

Luna: Lincoln! Lincoln! LINCOLN!!!! 

*Lincoln wakes up* 

Lincoln: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! 

*Lincoln begins to cry as Luna comforts him* 

Luna: Lincoln bro it's just had another nightmare 

Lincoln: *crying* it was horrible Luna!! 

Luna: Shhh it's okay Lincoln...I'm Lori Leni Luan Lucy Lana and Lily are alright...

*She notices Lincoln's still crying so she begins to calmly hug him while gently rubbing his back in order to calm him down 

She could tell that the nightmare Lincoln had was even worse then the usually one of Morag killing their parents angus Lola Lynn and Lisa and they're ghosts are angry and chastise him 

For not saving them in time and that it was there fault*

Lincoln: *whimpering* 

Luna:'s okay Lincoln....I'm not leaving you

*soon Lincoln calms down* 

Luna:...are you okay?

Lincoln: No...Luna it was horrible I had a nightmare that was ten times worse than the usual nightmare 

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