Lincoln Luna and Lily in Royal Woods/Emotional support

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*we see Scott and Leni back in the castle* 

Leni: you know Scott that was totes a great date 

Scott: yeah it actually was Leni....although the sheep did kinda ruin the moment of us kissing

Leni: I know Scott 

*They both see Lincoln's note* 

Leni: what's totes this? 

Scott: oh Lincoln Luna and Lily went back to Royal woods to get your pets and you're clothing blankets and anything of value 

Since it's 7:00 Pm I think they'll be back at 7:00 I think we may need to prepare their beds because they'll be really tired by the time they're back

Leni: oh it totes also says I'm in charge! 

Scott: no it says Lori's in charge....I hope they are okay 

*a few hours pass as we cut to the loud house as the pets are in the living room and they are sad they have begun to miss their owners We cut to see the three Loud kids home in the backyard*

Luna: you know Lincoln it's actually good to be back in Royal woods 

Lincoln: yeah it actually is and who knew it took seven hours to get from Loch Loud to Royal woods on a dragon flying 

Lily: *confused* Lela? Lolo? 

Lincoln: where are they? 

*he feels the scales of Lela and see the two dragons eyes open and see they're scales have blended into the backyard as the sun sets* 

Lincoln: huh? Who knew the dukes dragon Lolo and her daughter Lela could camouflage 

Luna: well our former home is know....modern

Lincoln: I can see why now if our town found out we had dragons they'd probably would exploit them for money so I can see the dragons evolving camouflage to blend into a modern world 

So they could avoid detection from humans...anyways let's get the pets and pack up our stuff

*Lincoln finds the key to the door and opens the back door as the three head inside* 

Lily: Wharles Weo Valt Wiff!! 

*the pets see Lily Luna and Lincoln and are actually pretty happy to see  and they rush over to embrace them* 

Lincoln: hey Charles Walt Geo cliff! It's good to see you again...we've come to get you guys...we're not here to return back to this you're going to have to go into the pet carrier

*Lincoln pulls out the carrier and the pets are scared to go in it but Lily encourages them to go into the carrier as we see Luna heading upstairs to her and Luan's room*  

Lincoln: well Luna's going to pack up they're stuff alright Lily let's get our stuff 

*Lincoln heads to his room with Lily holding a suitcase Lincoln opens his door and sees his beloved Stuffed rabbit bun bun*

Lincoln: I missed you bun're coming home with me! 

*Lincoln packs his things while we cut to Luna packing up her and Luan's stuff* 

Luna: can't forget my axe and my picture of Sam *she puts them into a box* *sees Lincoln carrying boxes of his clothing ace savvy comics costume and his figures* 

Dang bro you're going all in...I mean seriously

Lincoln: well I'm going to Lily and Lisa's room next so I can get her stuff as well

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