The funeral of the Loud's and angus/ Lori and The High Card

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*soon the day had come today was the funeral of Rita Lynn Sr Lynn Jr Lola Lisa and Angus....the sisters Scott and Bobby put on black dresses and tuxedos 

While Lincoln remained in his Duke outfit Lincoln tried to get Lela out of her cave but she didn't budge she knew today was the day of the funeral and Lela still felt guilty of what she did so her mother Lolo decided to take her daughters place 

And went with Lincoln as we cut to the Loud's Scott and Bobby*

Lori: I still can't believe that today is the day that our parents three sisters and a good friend are finally going to be put to rest 

Bobby: yeah babe I know.....but I'm just still shocked that you're mother father 5th little sister 8th little sister and 9th little sister are gone 

Lori: and we let it happen....Morag manipulated all of us

Scott: don't blame yourself it wasn't your was Morag's fault she manipulated you and your siblings 

Leni: yeah but it feels like it was our fault that they died

Scott: I know Leni I know....but don't blame yourself Leni 

Lily: Wally (Lori) is Wela (Lela) coming? 

Lori: I don't think so Leni Lincoln's on Lolo not Lela I think she literally still feels guilty about angus and our family's deaths 

Luna: in speaking of which let's get to the funeral'll start soon 

*we cut to a few minutes later as we see Six gravestones and coffins while in the background we see Loch loud citizens in black tuxedos and dresses

Lincoln is on Lolo and he's softly crying to himself while Lolo continues to stare back at the cave in pure remorse she knows it wasn't her daughters fault that the family died but she can't help but to feel sorry for her 

We see children actually crying while adults comfort them as a Scottish priest speaks* 

Priest: citizens of Loch Loud....were gathered here today to mourn the losses of Angus Mc smiley  and half of the royal family....Rita Loud Lynn Loud Sr Lynn Loud Jr Lola Loud and Lisa Loud 

Who were unfortunately killed by a traitor who wanted the crown and the Loch all to herself and controlled the lochs guardian into killing we burry theses innocent lives into the earth 

We must remember that they did not die in vein....they died fighting for our home and taking back from the Tyrannical rule of Morag and her family 

They'll be able to finally Rest In Peace because a few weeks ago justice was served and we can now finally send them off to God's glorious kingdom of heaven were they can finally be at peace 

*soon six graves are dug and the coffins are lowered into the ground while the sternum bones of them as soon grabbed by Lolo who lifts them up into the sky and burns them with fire turning them into ash* 

Lana: Scott why did Lolo do that? 

Scott: burning the sternum of the dead is a's the way their spirits can finally ascend into heaven dragon's fire makes it more pure and holy....burning the sternum with dragon fire 

Has been around ever since Loch Loud was founded in 4,300's an ancient tradition...the dragon turning the sternum to ash signify's the bond that the royal family or a commoner had 

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