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Do "Soulmate" exist?

"One day, I wish i could spend the last moment of my life with my soulmate,. Because at the end of the day, the only person that could make me the happiest is my soulmate. That's his job."

- Manora Bulan Astama, 2021.

"I believe finding our soulmate could be in any situations, though I'd wish to meet her at a place where I know i will tell my kids one day that it was one of the most ravishing place I have ever seen. Not by the place itself, but because she had already loved me there."

- Avandra Samudra, 2021.

Whenever, wherever it is. It will be a place Somewhere only we know.

Somewhere Only We KnowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang