Welcome, Home Guardian! And welcome my new apprentice!! (18+ for some parts)

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It has been 4 weeks since the battle at sokovia and the sacrifice of Y/n Dunn aka The Guardian as it was difficult for everyone especially Natasha and David Dunn.. when they gave him the news it... was unbearable


David Dunn was chopping some wood as he was about to cook some meat for dinner but he sees the avenger jet coming in for a landing

David smiled as he looked for Y/n to come on but he never did only Tony, Steve, Clint, and Natasha but when he saw Natasha she was holding a mask... a broken one...

David looked in shock as he slowly shake his head as he didn't want to believe it... His son... Was gone...

David - "No... No... No... *cries*

Tony looked away in sadness as he should have been the one and yet again Y/n saved the world twice... He didn't even hesitate he just did what needed to be done.

Natasha quickly went to David and hugged him as they both mourned for the loss of a Guardian, a Hero, and Someone they cared for

Steve slowly walked to him and handed him a folded flag and handed it to him as the flag was cased in glass, David accepted the flag and slowly placed it above his fireplace next to a picture of his son and himself in their first week of training.

David Dunn looked down and smiled as he slowly looked at the sky as he went into the house and walks back out wearing his hero suit 

(come back later to add more details and words)

Back in new york the news was covering the battle in sokovia as Y/n was right there were no castles, no death but only one as the News got footage of the guardian sacrificing himself for the country of sokovia as the people of the world looked on and were having a day about the life of the Guardian.

As kids from different parts of the globe were dressed up like the Guardian as they ran all-around playing and having fun as the rest were at the town square where coverage of The Guardian's funeral was being held live

As for the Avengers, they created a plaque for Y/n and the encryption said "You don't think twice when it comes to doing the right thing." and right now was the ceremony of the fallen hero as the members of S.H.I.E.L.D. , Arrow, Spider Gwen, Steve, Tony, Clint, David Dunn wearing the first hero suit that he gave to his son, Thor

Natasha slowly placed flowers on Y/n's plaque as he moved for steve to say some words

Steve - Though we gather here today, bound together in sorrow and loss, we share a precious gift. We are, all of us, privileged to live a life that has been touched by the Guardian. The Guardian of New York possessed many extraordinary gifts, and he shared them with us freely. None of these gifts were more remarkable than his ability to discern what needed to be done, and his unfailing courage in doing it, whatever the personal cost. Let us all strive to accept his gift, and pass it along, as an ongoing tribute to The Guardian, the immigrant from the stars, who taught us all how to be heroes." he said as he removed the black sheet and reviled to be Guardian watching over from his perch as he was ready to be called when needed

David Dunn son male reader x Marvel cinematic universe (not dead but alive!!)Where stories live. Discover now