~Chapter 23~

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Julie's POV...

I'm happy that Luke seemed to have thought nothing of my little talks with Nick. We are just friends and nothing more, and I told him that I had a boyfriend now and he seemed to be okay with that.

He changes his personality from day to day. Some days he acts like his normal self, but most days now, he acts differently. He sounds like himself, but his words aren't what you would think would be in Nick's vocabulary.

Like today, his eyes flashed purple. Right then and there is where I knew something was up. I got kind of nervous and broke off our conversation and said goodbye and that's when I saw Luke.

I just hope that Nick is okay.

When Luke and I get back to the house, we tell Alex and Reggie that we'll be in my room. They make dumb kissy faces at us and Luke and I just roll our eyes and walk out.

I tell my dad that we'll be up in my room writing songs.

Once we get up there, Luke flops on my bed. I laugh at him and grab a few sheets of paper.

"So, what were we thinking for this song, boss?" He asks, why does he have to be so cute.

"Well, I think we should have a softer song. Maybe a you and me song? Not for the public to know about." I say, he gets off my bed and walks over to me.

"I like the sound of that." He smiles and kisses me.

I pick up the pencil and start writing a few lyrics down.

So honey now
Take me into your living arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe be found love right where we are

Then Luke takes my pencil and writes another set of lyrics

When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks

We take turns writing down lyrics until it's all finished.

I drag myself over to my bed and land face first.

"You good there?" I hear Luke laugh.

"No, I want cuddles." I mumble into my pillow.

I hear him get up and walk over to me.

"Well, I can make that happen. But, I want to show you something first." He says.

"What Patterson, I need my daily dose of cuddles and you are angering me." I look up at him with unamused eyes.

"You'll need to get up to see this."

"Okay you're really pushing my buttons now." I say, slowly getting up.

"Okay, close your eyes and cup your hands." I do as he says and I feel a box-like object in my hands.

"Okay, open your eyes."

My eyes go wide as I open the box. It's a necklace that says Perfect Harmony on it.

"Help me put it on!" I yell at him. He quickly does what I say and I pull him down for a hug.

"Thank you." I mumble into his chest.

"You're very welcome, now, let me give you those cuddles you wanted so badly." He says, letting go of me.

I hop on my bed open my arms. He sits on my bed and pulls me into his lap and I lean my head on his chest.

I start to close my eyes but then I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly get off Luke and run to my desk and act like I'm writing a song. So does Luke.

I Can No Longer Hide the Truth {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now