Whos obsessed now? SMUT

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Y/n's pov Monday just a regular boring Monday  I hated school I hated being around people especially Billie fucking eilish I hated her with a passion

Why you must ask?I hated the way she twirled her blond hair around her fingers while looking at me with those ocean blue eyes making that knot appear in my stomach and me bite my lip the thought of her looking at me makes me want to evaporate into air I also hated how she crossed her legs showing her thigh muscles and thick hips in her short skirt or how she rubs my shoulder when she passes by me calling me those stupid pet names like princess and mama or baby girl she has no idea what she makes me feel.

And that feeling is annoyance she knew she was hot or at least that's what everyone else thinks.

But there was no other gesture I hated more from her than her voice that soft seductive tone when she speaks to me speaking of I rolled my eyes being interrupted by my thoughts as I heard her soft yet irritating voice.

"Shit my phone died" she wined almost in a moan  sounding aggressive she was rummaging threw her backpack and I cringed of course with fate hating me she sat right behind me  I sighed and turned around as I felt her chuckle and tap on my shoulder she raised her eyebrow and bit her lip looking at me I looked down and sighed.

"Yes can I help u?" I said annoyed as my throat felt dry and face hot for whatever reason I was nervous I assumed it was just anxiety she brushed my hair out of my face and behind my ear bringing her lips to my ear whispering making me flinch.

"Hay princess so my phone died"

"you got a spare charger I can borrow?" she whispered hopeful I rolled my eyes and scoffed pulling away from her and turning around in my seat.

"Oh my god Billie No I don't and if I did"

" I wouldn't let you borrow it" I said tapping my fingers on my desk

"Chill mama don't be such a cunt" she laughed and kicked my desk with her feet several times I ignored her and began doing my math homework she continued kicking my desk and humming to herself I slapped my pencil down and turned around looking at her.

"Dude can you stop" I said rudely her blue eyes narrowed as she put her pencil in her mouth and smiled at me seductively.

"Mmm no I don't think I want to princess" she said and began to kick my desk harder i sighed and rubbed my temples to relieve some of that stress she was causing me.

"Have you ya know came to that conclusion"

" that I hate you billie" I said looking straight ahead she laughed and applied her lipgloss on her plump lips.

"Ya sure about that mamas?"

" cause I think you might have a  crush on me" she said I'n a teasing tone.

I laughed and bit my lip thinking about what she said I felt my whole body almost on fire and my heart beating fast.

"Yea right as if oh my god billie I adore you"

" your so hot" I said sarcastically and rested my chin on my hand.

"Give me a fucking break" I mumbled I heard her laugh and play with her chains around her neck.

"Your such a bad liar y/n your so easy to crack"

" you got that funny way about you you"

" think I don't know what your thinking but i do."

"I know deep down you want me" she got even more close to my ear if that was possible and nibbled on if cause me to flinch

"I know ur a whore y/n" she whispered

"Plus your sexy as fuck with those pretty lips"

" and that sexy attitude all you need"

"is me to put you in check"

" I wanna see what those lips can do"she whispered I felt my thighs close and I scratched them gently trying to relief whatever I was feeling.

Wanted her? I craved her but that's besides the point she's a bitch and I hate her.

"I-I don't like you at all" I stuttered

" so I don't even know why"

"you try to get my attention" I said getting up to turn my papers in I stopped  and gasped and dropped them all on the floor when I felt her smack my ass.

"Billie what the fuck?!" I said angry she smirked and put a piece of gum in her mouth chewing it ever so slowly and eyeing me.

"If I were you princess I would lose that attitude"

"before I make you scream how much u hate me" she said looking innocent smiling and shit I rolled my eyes and asked to be excused to go to the bathroom  I stomped down the hallway as I made it to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and sighed as I washed my face with the water trying to calm the bright red streaks on my cheeks.

"What is wrong with you y/n you hate Billie"

"you cannot possibly have a crush on her" I mumbled biting my lip thinking about everything she said I began to feel that previous feeling I had between my thighs come back as I heard her voice again.

"You really are so fucking clueless y/n" she said laughing and walking  up to me making me hold my breath.

"Billie why do u always think you have to follow me"

"your like obsessed with me" I said rolling my eyes as she got closer her hot breathed fanned across my face as she ran her fingers up my skirt gently playing with the fabric on it.

"You know  y/n I have taken a liking to you" she said spitting her gum in the trash can and smiling at me I rolled my eyes and looked at her confused.

" I've liked you for a while your just so perfect"

She whispered

"Billie what the he-"

I began to say but held my breath as I felt her kissing my neck softly I tried to hold in what I was feeling but failed as she found my sweet spot her soft lips making marks on my neck I gripped her hair wanting to push her away but I couldn't it was like I wanted her so bad but at the same time I didn't I hated her what was I doing?

"sexy as hell and god that fucking attitude of yours" she seethed threw her teeth grabbing my throat making me gasp she squeezed harder putting her lips close to mine.

"Needs to be adjusted" she said biting my lip with her teeth gently tugging on it I let another moan slip and she smiled satisfied.

"Come on babygirl just give in I know"

"You want to kiss me" she whispered I looked into those ocean blue eyes and I couldn't be in denial anymore I slammed our lips together and moaned into her mouth as we made out she yanked at my hair and lifted me up onto the countertop I moaned as she kissed up my thighs leaving marks.

"Billie please please I want you" I said she smiled and began to slip my underwear off my legs squeezing my thighs gently.

"Oh baby girl I thought u hated me?" she said teasingly I groaned as she kissed around my clit not even giving in.

"Please please" I begged she laughed and looked up at me.

"Please who  princess?" she asked continuously teasing me something I never knew I would want so bad.

"Please just fuck me mommy" I whimpered she licked her lips and smiled at me

"Who's obsessed now mamas?" she said

- was this bad

—linna <3

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