Im straight smut

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How Billie looks

Y/n's pov my best friend billie and me were hanging out in my room  watching tv I was laying in her lap we've been best friends since childhood I've always had a crush on her but there's just one problem she's "straight" something I think is a lie...

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Y/n's pov my best friend billie and me were hanging out in my room watching tv I was laying in her lap we've been best friends since childhood I've always had a crush on her but there's just one problem she's "straight" something I think is a lie let me tell you why there's no way she's straight I've caught her looking at me changing so many times sneaking peeks when she thinks I'm not looking now I know I might be overreacting but she also smacks my ass and we've even kissed before but it was a dare a dare that she choose! So I definitely think she's deep in the closet I smiled looking up at her as she was focusing on the movie brushing her hands threw my hair I was eating the popcorn when I felt her gaze now on me watching me eat the popcorn putting it between my soft lips as I chewed on it I turned my gaze to her and smirked she looked down at my lips while licking hers and quickly looked at the tv.

"So I was thinking for tour I can perform"

" all the good girls go to hell with that sexy ass"

" shadow behind it" I smiled as I listened to her gush over the curvy figure she was drawing in her sketchbook for someone who is straight she's sure showing a tinge of gayness I giggled and put my hand on her thigh rubbing curl goes with my thumb she looked at me and went to say something her blue eyes now wide.

"I'm STrAIgHT!" I laughed pushing her shoulder mocking her she rolled her eyes and flipped me off I looked at  her finger as it was adorned in 4 rings on one finger I wanted her to shove it up my P-

"Yea cause I am the fuck?" she said rolling her eyes and snatching some popcorn out of the bowl a small smirk placed on my face as I took the bowl out of her lap placing it on the table those bright blue eyes now a shade darker as I straddles her lap I placed my hands on her chest and smiled at her as I was towering over her small body my hands tracing her boobs over her shirt now making they're way to the chains around that beautiful neck.

"Y/n? What are you doing dude?" she said raising her eyebrow I smiled and leaned into her ear slowly nibbling on it while softly grinding on her I could have swore I heard a moan revolve from those pretty lips.

I'm proving a point only if it's ok with you she swallowed harshly and bit her lip looking up at me her soft hands now placed on my ass making me smirk.

"Y/n I-" mmm she softly moaned as I sucked and kissed on her neck leaving hickeys she squeezed my ass gently and placed her hands underneath my shirt going to pull it off I pulled back from her neck and shook my head.

No daddy let me please you I said she looked at me hesitant.

"Please daddy please" I whispered she looked at my lips and then my eyes her cheeks now red and sighed.

"Fuck it" she whispered and crashed her soft lips against mine I moaned into her mouth as she slipped her tongue into the mix fighting for domination I bit her lip and pulled back lifting up her shirt and throwing it somewhere in the room somehow the popcorn got knocked over I laughed and billie smiled into the kiss as she kissed me again my eyes met her boobs as I squeezed them in the bra watching them fall back into place.

"Fuck bil your so sexy" I said and took her bra off kissing and sucking on her now hard nipples she moaned mad gripped at my hair I smiled and kissed down her stomach making her lay back on the couch my hands hooked into her sweats and thong she looked at me while I began pulling them down.

"Fuck y/n you so hot baby" she rasped out I smiled and threw her legs over my shoulder kissing and sucking them gently she softly moaned which only turned me on more I looked at her core and she was soaked.

"Fuck bil your so soaked mama aww"

"but I thought you were straight?" I said smirking her chest heaved as she looked down at me tho she was at her most vonerable she was still so weak and powerless all for me.

"Fuck y/n please please" She begged I rolled my eyes and bit her thigh making her Yelp.

"Who's straight now?"

Part 2?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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