I only wanna eat you smut

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Y/n's pov I had just got off work and was finally home I was tired as fuck I missed my girlfriend Billie all day while I was at work and I know for a fact she missed me I grinned ear to ear excitement grew bigger as I was excited to be home.

"Billie I'm home" I said as I shut the door and sat my purse down I heard her footsteps increase as she was practically sprinting to me like a child she's so god dam adorable I smiled as her blue eyes widened and her full lips parted.

"Oh my baby your home!" she squealed as she engulfed me in a hug and kissed me all over my face

"Mph I missed you to baby" I said in between her kissing my face she giggled and held my face with her soft hands I looked at her admiring how beautiful she is we have been together for 3 years and I'm still not over how angel like she is.

"Andddd I can't forget my favorite part" she said in a baby voice finally kissing my lips softly I could never get over how soft and pillow like her lips are.

"Im gonna make us dinner angel"

" why don't you go get the show started for us"

"to watch while I cook"

she sighed and stood on her tippy toes rapping her arms around my neck and swaying us side to side.

"But I missed you I don't want u to leave again" she said whiney pouting her plump lips she's so needy and such a submissive I smiled as I kissed her lips softly again I nodded my head laughing as I held her hands softly intertwining my fingers with hers.

"I know beautiful but it's late"

" and you have not ate since lunch"

"i promise after we eat we can cuddle" I said she looked down and rolled her eyes as she grabbed my waist and hugged me I sighed as ran my fingers through her hair softly her eyes began to flutter shut and her breathing starting to still.

"Ok fine I'll eat but cuddles after?"she said hopefully as she bit her lip and squished my face kissing me.

"Yes angel I promise now I'm gonna go start cooking" I said I knew she would follow me like a lost puppy I heard her laugh as she sat on the counter admiring me while I grabbed the essentials I would need to make dinner.

"Babyyyy don't take to long I'm hungry as fuck"

"and I wanna cuddle "she said as she grabbed her phone putting some Music on

"Ok princess" I smiled shaking my head as she was singing to herself softly her beautiful voice was enough to fill the home room she was still singing playing on her phone when suddenly she was silent the music switched off which is strange cause she never shuts up or is not singing her passion for music was so admirable something I'm not complaining about cause she's cute as fuck.

"Billie?" I said confused as the kitchen was now dead silent I heard her whimper and I felt my body grow still I looked over my shoulder and my eyes grew wide.

"Mommy please hurry" she dragged out the word almost in a sexual tone my eyes darted to Billie and there she was on the counter squeezing her thighs shut how she's always horny surprises me as I literally ate her out this morning.

she was taking off her hoodie that covered her beautiful figure I was trying not to get distracted but I couldn't help it god she's perfect her skin now exposed as she was left in her sports bra and underwear.

"Oh fuck" I mumbled in pain as I cut my finger as I had got distracted by her she quickly got off the counter as she walked over to me grabbing my finger and looking at it smirking.

Billie eilish smut book *UPDATED*Where stories live. Discover now