Chapter 1

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"Pete, what are you doing?" Frank asked, looking down at his boyfriends plate. Pete's food was all over the place and it looked kind of disgusting. "Hasn't your mom ever told you it's wrong to play with your food?"

Pete laughed, "I always play with my food, babe. I can't seem to build a goddamn castle with my French fries."

"French fries aren't supposed to be building castles, they're supposed to go in your mouth." Frank picked one up and put one in Pete's mouth. "See?"

Pete scoffed, "I know how to eat..." He looked around and stood up before picking up the tray. "I'll be back." He pecked Frank's lips and walked over to the trash cans.

"So...when did you actually start liking Pete?" Ray asked from across the table. "I didn't know that you ever did?"

Frank rolled his eyes, "why are you so jealous Ray, it's been two years since we've started dating."

"Yeah Fro Fro, keep up." Brendon laughed and pulled his boyfriend Ryan closer to him. "It's not right to be head over heels with a taken guy...or girl, you should try being straight, it's great." Ryan slapped his head with a scowl, "kidding! Kidding! You know I love you Ry." He leaned over and kissed Ryan.

"What I miss?" Pete asked as he sat down.

"Ray's just being a jerk." Frank sighed and pulled Pete closer to him. "Like always," he adds with a glare.

"Stop pissing off Frank. He's not into you tor your fro, bye!" Pete waved happily as Ray stood up and loudly stomped away from the table.

"Did any of you know that there is supposedly a new kid at the school, he just got enrolled today, I heard that everything was last minute." Pete explained, making hand gestures as he talked. "His name is something like Gerald or Jared, not sure."

Frank shrugged and stood up, "I have to get to class, I forgot that my teacher wanted me in there for lunch."

"Seriously? That's like the third time this week...and it's only Thursday." Pete asked. "She needs to stop being obsessed with you or something."

Frank laughed and walked off. The hallways were empty since everyone was in the lunch room - well except for the occasional couple that was making out in the halls up against the wall.

His teacher had made him come in for lunch, even though he's forgotten and had to go in in the middle of lunch every day this week. There was 75% chance that it was because he never turned in his homework or the fact that he never took notes when he needed to and that he slept in class on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Frank looked at the ground as he walked and bumped into someone and that's when he noticed another pair of shoes right in front of his. So Frank looked up to see on the most gorgeous boys he has ever seen in his 16 years of life.

"Um...sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Frank stepped out of the way and watched as the kid continued only with a small smile sent in Frank's way that he was even there. He'd never seen the kid before, was that the new kid that Pete was talking about? Everything about him was dark as fuck, from the shoes to the hair and eyes.

And man, was it hot as fuck.

"Excuse me?" An old voice interrupted his daydreaming. "Frank, you were supposed to be in this class room 15 minutes ago." The old lady pointed in the classroom and Frank sighed, walking in after her. He hated this teacher.

And really hoped that she would retire very soon.


Pete was smiling and waiting by the front door when Frank finally got out of his last class, Pete was always smiling: whether it was a smile, grin or even a smug smirk.

"How're you, baby?" He asked and grabbed Frank's hand, Frank smiled and brought his hand to his face.

"I'm good, I just hate this school with a burning passion." Frank responded, " there anything going on after school then?"

Frank really just needed something to talk about so he wasn't thinking about the new kid who was hotter then hell.

"I don't think you just wanna come over and we can watch movies?" He asked, Frank nodded in response and they walked in the direction of Pete's house.

"That new kid was in my fourth and fifth hour." Pete said after a few minutes of silence. Seriously Pete? Frank tried real hard not to lash out on him at that minute.

"Cool..." Frank swallowed, "did you get a name?"

Pete nodded, "his name is Gerard, no last name though, wouldn't tell anyone."

"Hm..." Frank thought, "that's weird."

"Little bit." Pete agreed as he walked up to his front door. "Must just be very secretive or something."

Frank nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"Pete is that you?" His mom came from the kitchen and smiled at the two boys, "hi boys, would you guys like snacks?"

Pete rolled his eyes and made a sound that sounded something like a 'duh' noise, he was always hungry.

"So any movie preference?" Pete asked, walking to the movie shelf.

"Nope. I'll watch whatever." As long as there is hot boys that will get his mind off from Gerard. He didn't even know the guy, so he didn't know why he was acting like this.

"Okay." Pete picked out The Nightmare Before Christmas and put it in the movie player. They've watched it many times before but he knew that it was Frank's favorite movie and that it never got old to him. "This okay?" He asked Frank, already knowing the answer.

Frank nodded and sat down next to him.


Frank walked out of Pete's house at about nine PM. Him and Pete didn't live far from each other so he declined the offer of Pete's assistance of walking him.

But Frank just really needed to think for a minute without anyone there to distract him.

But apparently no one could take a hint. Frank squinted his eyes and looked further into the distance where someone was standing and looked to be watching him. Okay then, nothing weird about that...I guess, Frank thought and sped up his walking pace. Even though, he was fully weirded out of how suspicious it would be to see a stalker and started walking faster. Frank was also fully aware that he may not even be a stalker and could be just some bystander waiting for someone or to kidnap Frank.

Shut up Frank, he's not gonna do that. Frank closed his eyes, he was making himself more paranoid then he should be and it was stupid. Yeah, he's not gonna because I won't let him.

Frank began running and tripped, falling to the ground. "Ow!" He screeched and grabbed his knee which was bleeding. Stupid cement for making a whole in his skinny jeans.

"Are you okay?" The guy asked quietly, kneeling down next to Frank. "Your knee is bleeding." He pointed to Frank's knee.

"No shit!" Frank snapped and turned his back on the guy, "are you following me?"


Liar. Frank rolled his eyes, "I'm okay, please just go away...Gerard?" He looked up to see the longish black hair and hazel eyes. "What?"

"Nothing." Gerard stood up and turned away, "but you might want a band-aid." He suggested and walked off, leaving Frank to sit on the ground and stare after Gerard in confusion.

Why did I start another fic? Well, you see I always wanted to write one of these and yeah...sorry if this is really long but I just had inspiration and stuff but they won't all be too long or too short.


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