Chapter 25

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Gerard and Pete walked down the sidewalk in silent, with the exception of Pete making obnoxious noises with his fingers and mouth. Gerard was this close to snapping his neck. Except this time this one wouldn't be a bloodsucking demon.

"Pete- I swear to god if you don't shut the fuck up I'll shoot you in your face." Gerard growled. His hand laying casually on Pete's shoulder and close to his neck threateningly.

Pete became quiet as they saw an old cabin ahead. Gerard actually thought that this wasn't a bad place. He'd heard about it for awhile, it's secretive. But sadly, not as good as the one he'd been in a long time ago that had been destroyed by a fire. And everyone got separated.

Except him and Mikey who'd actually escaped together, and were together when the fire started.

"Gerard, is this it?" Pete asked quietly from Gerard's side.

He didn't say anything but only nodded as they walked closer to the small and old building.

As they got nearer, there was a man on the porch that had a lot of tattoos and shortish hair. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked, sounding just a little irritated.

"I'm actually just looking for my brother and boyfriend." Gerard answered. "I believe they are here."

"Names?" The man asked.

"Frank Iero and Mikey Way."

The guys eyes widened and he looked Gerard right in the eye. "Holy fuck- y-you're Gerard Way?"

And that's when a sound irrupted from the house and from through the broken window, a boy had fallen down the rotting stairs and stumbled to the door. "Gerard Way- w-why the fuck are you here?"

Gerard inhaled through closed lips and looked to Pete with wide eyes. "Billie. Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that."

Billie scoffed. "I don't have to listen to you anymore."

"Is this where the whole town is then?"

"Dammit Bert!" Gerard shouted. "Why is this happening?"

"Fucking karma, man." Pete mumbled. "You gonna make me your toy too?"

"Mitch- how are you?" Bert asked.

"Perfectly fine. Now Gerard, since I missed your pretty little face. You can go in. But you have to do something with that human right there."

"What do I do with it?"

Pete made some disgruntled noise as Mitch gave Gerard a leash.

"Okay, Pete's not mine." Gerard said, he was not taking responsibility for this.

"Then take him to who does." Mitch said. "Who does own him?"

"Mikey, I guess would be the closest." Gerard sighed and looked to the door to see Billie and Frank looking at him. "I'll go find him."

"Bye Gerard!" Bert waved cheerfully. "I'll miss your face."

"Everybody does." Gerard waved back with mock-cheer.

"I'm sorry to do this Pete, but it's just until I find Mikey." Gerard whispered in Pete's ear as they walked through the door.

"Are you with Pete now?" Frank asked as they walked through the door.

"Maybe. What's it too you?" Gerard asked.

"I. Never mind. Billie come on, let's go." Frank mumbled and tugged on Billie's red shirt sleeve.

Billie glared at Gerard until he was pulled away, but then the glare softened and he frowned as he .was pulled out of sight.

Gerard had never thought he'd see Billie again.

As Gerard and Pete made their way down the stairs. There were a lot more people then he expected to be there. And Mikey was standing right at the bottom, "I thought I heard you...why's Pete here?"

"I figured you'd want him back?" Gerard shrugged.

"Did you guys get friendly while I was gone?" Mikey asked with crossed arms.

"Actually no." Pete spoke up. "He didn't want too, tried, but he said he couldn't do that to Frank."

"When Frank himself does it all the time." Mikey rolled how eyes. "Fucking priceless."

"Shut up." Gerard rolled his eyes and thrust the leash in Mikey's hands. "Do whatever you want with the fucktard." He sighed and walked back upstairs where Mitch was standing, talking to Bert from the darkened porch.

"Gerard. You couldn't stand to be away from me, could you?" Bert smiled a smug smirk.

"Don't get your hopes up, Robert. I've gone 10 years without seeing your face. I could've gone more."

"With exception of a few days ago." Bert grinned.

"Gerard, it really is nice to see you again, really." Mitch smiled and held his arms out, in which Gerard hugged back.

"I actually missed you, too." Gerard sighed. "I miss everyone."

"Even Billie?" Mitch asked. Damn, Gerard hoped he wouldn't mention that.

But he only sighed. "Yeah. I did."

"Who's the boy that's with Billie?" Mitch asked.

"Is he another toy?" Bert asked with a snappy tone.

"No." Gerard snarled. "He's not. He's more then that."

"What is he then?" Bert asked. "If he's not what I was."

"Yeah Gerard, what is he?" Billie asked from the doorway.

"I." Gerard trailed off when Frank appeared next to him, looking up at him with curious eyes. "I think I love you Frank. And that scared me when you told me, so I ran and then you went off with Mikey and-"

"Gerard." Frank interrupted. He walked over to Gerard and slapped him. "You can't just say that stuff." He huffed. "You can't play with people and toss them away like old toys."

Gerard brought his hand to his face. "That kind of hurt."

"It was meant to." Frank said like it was obvious. "You're a dick, Gerard." He then walked away and Billie looked at him and mouthed 'I'm sorry' even though Gerard didn't know why he should be sorry. Gerard was the one that needed to be sorry.

"Well then." Mitch breathed. "I think Billie still likes you."

"No. I know he doesn't." Gerard shook his head.

Mitch shrugged. "Is there any reason you stopped by, Bert?"

Bert smiled. "Not really, just out an about and realized that everyone in this town is here pretty much so..." He took his hands out of his pocket and lifted them in the air towards Gerard's direction in which Gerard collapsed to his knees and start screaming in pain. "And that."

Bert laughed at Gerard before walking away.

Mitch looked down to Gerard who was not only screaming because of what Bert just did to him, but he had found his way into the sun and was now burning.

And Mitch hadn't a clue what to do. But ran into the sun and dragged Gerard onto the porch. Only receiving a little burn from the incident.


*hums Musical Doodle* well, shit just went down and I didn't know that was gonna happen. Next chapter will be in Gerard's past and I don't think there will be more then 10 chapters left.

But the problem is, is that- do you guys like this? Does it make since?

I feel like there's no play except for the past things going on and the conflict that's creating between all of them but...

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