Chapter 6

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Was it weird to think about your brothers boyfriend (or toy, honestly I don't even know) winking at you. Okay, to be honest, it was hot and man, did Mikey have a thing for hot boys...or men. But who didn't?

He kind of wondered whether Frank had a bad-side to him. Like maybe vandalism, a quick blow job in the school bathroom, or even making out on a school desk before the teacher gets to the classroom. That'd be hot. And he had a feeling that Pete wouldn't be so fond of that - maybe only in the bathroom and not in public where anybody could see them.

Maybe he should just drop Pete all together and go after Frank himself, not really caring about what shit he could get in with his brother. When Mikey wanted stuff, Mikey usually got it. And Mikey wants Frank Iero to be his bad boy.


Frank walked down the street to get home before it started raining - apparently it was supposed to start raining sometime.

Frank loved the rain but he didn't like showering in it, actually Frank didn't like showering in general, but he kind of had to, didn't he?

The sound of footsteps echoed behind him, he stopped and turned around: now remembering that in every stalker/horror movie this is how the girl wound up dying.

Every. Fucking. Time.

He sighed and started walking again, he was just paranoid. Nobody was following him him and he sure as hell wasn't gonna turn his reality into a scary movie.

That would be stupid.

" don't like horror movies?"

God dammit! Frank almost stomped his foot in frustration and turned around to see the boy that Pete had been ogling earlier. Mikey Fucking Way.

Actually, Frank was pretty sure that Fucking wasn't his middle name but that wasn't the point.

"What the fuck do you want?" Frank spat, he wasn't that mad, but he didn't really want to talk to either of them for a while...even though he just did talk to Mikey - again! That wasn't the point!

He then remembered that he didn't really want to be caught in this situation: the boy that was being talked to by the two hot guys. This was getting way to much Twilight for him. Only the fact that Gerard was vampire-like, but there wasn't such thing as vampires, right?

"I wanted to talk to you." Mikey said sweetly. "Do you have a bad side Frankie?"

What did he mean? Like school sex? Smoking on the property? Frank shrugged, "I've done a few things...why?"

"You're hot, you should wink for me again sometime. Oh! And here..." Mikey winked and slipped a small slip of paper in the waistband of Frank's pants. Mikey Way was a bit of a whore.

Mikey walked off and disappeared around the corner. He was like a ghost - it made Frank shiver and he couldn't help but wonder what the fuck was going on with the Way brothers.

They were a weird bunch. "Why was Mikey talking to you?" Gerard suddenly asked from beside Frank. It just now occurred to him that he'd never seen them both in the same room at the same time.

"Just...nothing." Frank shrugged and was about to walk off when Gerard grabbed his arm, "what? What do you want Gerard?"

"What did I say about liars Frank? I hate them, and I don't want to hate you..." Gerard let his had caress Frank's cheek, "that would be a shame, wouldn't it?"

Frank shrugged again. "To you it would be - and you sound like a broken record - at least five times today you reminded me that you hate liars: but guess what? I'm a liar."

Gerard scowled and pulled Frank closer to himself, "then we might just have to fucking change that."

Frank let out a squeak as Gerard's hand tightened even more and he was sure it would leave a bruise.

"You will listen to me Frank-whether I have to force you or not. You will listen to me." Gerard looked deep into Frank's eyes and saw the slight nod that Frank gave as he quickly looked from his eyes to the ground and sub-consciously rubbed his arm as Gerard let go.

"And if I catch you talking to my brother again - let's just say that both of you will be in some deep shit." Gerard smirked evilly as he shoved his fists into his pockets and darted away into the shadows like a fucking vampire.

Vampires aren't real Frank. He rolled his eyes and walked in the direction of his own house. Gerard was a fucking joke who was all talk.

And he could talk to whoever the fuck he wanted to.


Gerard pushed the front door open and walked up the stairs and the third door on the left. Mikey's room.

The tired looking boy opened the door and stared questioningly at his brother, "what do you want?"

"Don't talk to Frank." Were Gerard's simple words as he walked back to his own room.

"Why? You two aren't a thing."

"No...but you and Pete are...and I'm pretty sure you're the reason that Frank broke up with Pete." Gerard said stopping, but not turning his head.

"Aw, I'm flattered." Mikey smiled.

"No you dipshit!" Gerard yelled and ran at Mikey, his hands gripped around the younger Ways' throat. "Your the cheater. Pete cheated on Frank because you had to get your horny self a new toy to play with."

Mikey chuckled but it was quite hard since he was being choked. "I'm sorry that a 'teenage' boy has needs."

Gerard sighed and took his hands away, "first of all, you're not technically a teenager and second, you could've compelled any boy or man in the school but you had to choose the boy that was actually in love."

"Did Frank return the feelings?" Mikey asked with a 'sweet' but mocking smile, "I don't think he did."

Gerard gave his brother one last hateful glare before walking into his room and slamming the door behind him.

Maybe Mikey was right. Did Frank not love Pete back? Did Mikey actually do a good thing for once?

Gerard sighed and collapsed on the giant goth canopy bed that was very unnecessary but whatever - it came with the house. Frank was way to beautiful and this was bad that Mikey had taken a liking to him also, this was bad. Frank was his and only his.

But Frank didn't really feel the same way, actually Frank didn't really know Gerard's feelings and Gerard barely knew his own feelings.

Mikey wasn't gonna get in the way of him and Frank. Mikey would not get Frank. Or at least hoped.

But lately Mikey did what ever the fuck he felt like and it was extremely annoying and he wanted to put Mikey in his place: killing really, but Mikey was Gerard's only family and he did admit. He kind of loved his younger brother - in a brotherly kind of way.

"Mikey, he's mine. Get your own."

Until next time!


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