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"Then why was it outside my door?" the blonde boy asked her, raising one eyebrow in that way Lola had always wanted to learn how to do.

"Because - well, I don't know. I thought it was his dorm room," she admitted. "Clearly, it wasn't."

The boy smiled, and wow. His smile was almost as beautiful as Ashton's. Lola was watching the way his black lip ring moved when she noticed he was reading her letter.

"Oh my god!" she shrieked. The boy was too busy laughing to hear her. Lola hit him on the shoulder.

"Ow, Jesus. You hit hard," the boy said, dropping the letter and rubbing his shoulder. Lola snatched it up.

"You can't just do that!" she said, ignoring him. "That's my love letter, Blondie. It's like, an invasion of my personal privacy to read it. That's a crime."

Blondie snorted. "Yeah, well it should be a crime to read this. You need love letter writing lessons."

"I do not!" Lola said angrily. "That was a really good one."

"You've written ones worse than this?" the boy said. Lola's mouth dropped open. The boy continued: "Well, if so, the case is more urgent than I thought. I've got to teach you how to write." He stood up, sticking out a hand to help her up. "Come on; let's go get coffee."

"I can't go anywhere with you!" Lola said. "I don't even know you. You could be one of those, like, date-rape druggists who lures girls in with the one-eyebrow thing and the charming smile, and then kills them. Yeah," she said, nodding.

"Charming smile?" Blondie said.

"That's not the point," Lola snapped, getting up and brushing off her dress.

"Well, thank you for the compliment," he said. "And my name's Luke Hemmings. There, now we're not strangers anymore, and as your friend-slash-acquaintance, I hope you'll believe me when I say that I am not a date-rapist, and you should come with me because I will help you win the boy of your dreams."

"I'm Lola Martinez," she told him. "And as your friend-slash-acquaintance, I do believe you, and you better be as good as you say you are."

Luke flashed her a smile. "Trust me, Lola, I'm an English major. What else do we actually do except write beautiful love notes?"

Lola grinned. "Okay, Mr. Hemmings. Let's go get some coffee."


hi hi hi hi hiiiiiiii

so i had a little break and got to update this!!! yayyy

chemistry should get updated friday or saturday, not sure which day i'll have more time

i hope y'all are liking this story :) please let me know what u think!

dedication for this chapter goes to horrible because project fuckboy is literally a work of art i can only hope to portray sarcastic luke as well as ree does

i luh you ree

stay adorable everyone!!!

xoxo lily

love letters // hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now