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Once upon a time, there was a girl.

(Because that's how all the best love stories start.)

She met a boy who fell feeply in love with her.

(Because love stories are meant to go this way.)

There was only one problem.

(As there always is.)

He was the wrong boy.

Lola Martinez stared at the paper she'd written. She was trying to concentrate, but failing (as usual, because what college kid would sign up to take a class called Learning from YouTube and actually pay attention?) However, the reason she sucked at listening to the video about open heart surgery that was currently playing was not because of its apparent stupidity.

It was because of the boy in front of her. He had a smile so bright it could practically serve as a subsitute for the sun, and cute little dimples. His hazel eyes were always crinkled at the corners in an almost-smile, and if it wasn't too stupid to say it, Lola was kind of in love with Ashton Irwin.

Even though she'd never spoken a word to him. (But hey, did that really matter? It worked out okay for Cinderella and Snow White, right?)

She glanced down at the flower-covered paper again.

i love you, and i wish you'd notice me.

— l. j. m.

It was a love note. For Ashton. And she was going to send it that day. Was it a stupid idea? Probably. But it had never stopped her before.

As the lights came back on and the video ended, Ashton swung around in his seat to grab his bag. He looked up at Lola, and she blushed deep red, stuffing the note in the pocket of her yellow raincoat.

"Oh, hey Lola," Ashton said, giving her The Smile.

"Hi," Lola squeaked out, ducking her head and practically running out of the classroom.

Once upon a time, there was a socially awkward girl who decided to hand-deliver her love note.

She got to Ashton's dorm about five minutes later. Grabbing the note out of her pocket, she left it outside the door. She rapped hard on the door. And then she ran.

Once upon a time, there was a clumsy girl who forgot to re-tie her shoelaces.

"Hey!" a tall blonde boy shouted behind her. Lola looked over her shoulder, and the next thing she knew she was sprawled out on the ground. "Oh my god, are you okay?" the boy said. He had a paper in his hand. Covered with flowers.

Ignoring the question, Lola sat up. "Hey, what the hell?" she said. "Are you stealing my love letter?"

"You wrote me a love letter?" the boy said.

"No, it's for — well, it's not for you," Lola frowned.

"Then why was it outside my door?"


hi hi hi here's part one

i hope you'll keep reading because i'm really excited about this story

the dedication for this goes to ohlukee because the bad boy project is like probably my favorite luke fic ever

and check out that luke gif like unf am i right ladies

xoxo lily

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