Chapter 14: Ring?

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Connors POV
We just made it to my family home yesterday along with Troyes family.
"What are we doing today Baby?" Troye asked me
"I am planning on spending it with your dad to get some bonding time in"
"My dad?"
"Alright I'll just hang out with the siblings today then"
"Alright babe"
With that I went to find Shaun.
"Hey Shaun! Can you and I go out today just the two of us?"
"Sure Connor. Is there a particular reason why?"
"I'll tell you when we get to the restaurant for lunch "
"Alright "
-------at Olive Garden-------
"So what did you wanna talk about Con?"
Now I'm nervous.....
"W-well you see I uh I wanted to uh ask I-If I could have your blessing to marry Troye?"
"ARE YOU SERIOUS!!" He smiled
"Yah 100 percent! I love him with all my heart and want to spend forever with him."
"Of course you have my blessing! Welcome to the family Con!"
"Thank you so much Shaun!"
And with that we hugged and then left to go shopping
-------Kay Jewelers-------
"Yes Connor?"
"Will you help me pick the ring?"
"Are you sure Con?!"
"Yah that's another reason I asked you to come!"
"Of course Connor I'd love to!"
With that we went searching.
After half an hour in the store Shaun called for me
"Look at this one Con! It's beautiful and comes with a ring for you!"
"Wow that's perfect!"
The set was four rings. Two for engagement and two for the wedding day. The rings were silver. The engagement ones had little diamonds in them that went red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. They were a set for gay couples which was perfect! The wedding bands were plain silver but the note next to it said the would engrave them for free.
"Excuse me? I'd like to buy this set please."
"Sure thing sweetheart! Would you like them engraved?" The woman asked
"Yes can you put Tronnor on them?"
"Of course! Is that your names put together?"
"Yah that's what his fans call us! He is a musician and actor and I'm his manager and boyfriend!"
"And soon to be fiancé! I'm his boyfriends father by the way!" Shaun cut in
"That's sweet! It's wonderful you two get along so well!"
"I've known Connor here since he was little. I'm friends with his parents and we all find it amazing that our sons fell in love with each other."
"That's amazing! Here are your rings! And that comes to a total of $175!"
I handed her my card and with that we left.
-------back home-------
"Shaun can you hold on to these until Christmas? I don't want him to see them" I asked as we pulled up to the house
"Of course just come get them in the morning after everyone wakes up!"
"Thanks Shaun!"
When we walked in the house was silent.
"Hello!!" I was suddenly tackled to the floor by a familiar weight ..
"Brandon!! Don't break your brother!!!" My dad yelled while we laughed
"Haha it's alright dad!"
"I missed you Connor!"
"Missed you to B even though I saw you this morning haha"
"Can we cuddle on the couch and watch movies like we used to Con? Please?!?"
"That depends how fast you get off me and if you let me tell Troye hi first"
I swear I've never seen him move faster ....
"I'm picking first!!!!" He yelled making me laugh
"Why are you on the floor Baby?" Troye asked
When did he get in here?
"Brandon tackled me and wants me to cuddle with him while we watch movies like we used to but I told him he had to let me tell you hi first."
"Haha ok" with that he kissed me
"Now go cuddle your brother he's been upset all day and won't tell anyone why"
"Huh I'll see if I can get him to open up"
With that I walked into the living room and sat on the recliner while Brandon put a movie in.
"I chose toy story if that's ok"
"That's fine B. Now come cuddle."
I didn't have to tell him twice he curled up on my lap with wis head under my chin while I put the foot stool up and wrapped my arms around his waist . About three fourths of the way through the movie I decided to ask him what was wrong.
"Hey B?"
"Yah Con?"
"Troye said you were upset today and wouldn't tell anyone why. Can you tell me what happened?"
"I don't wanna talk about it here..."
"Do you wanna go to your room?"
"Yes please"
So we got up and went to his room
"You know how I've always had girlfriends?"
"Yah of course B. You've always been a ladies man."
"That's the problem Con.... For the past couple weeks I've been hanging out with this boy named Justin and every time I'm around him I feel weird..."
"What do you mean by weird?"
"Like I want to cuddle with him and I get butterflies when he touches me.... I'm scared Connor like really scared!!"
And immediately he started crying
"Baby calm down" I said as I hugged him. I knew instantly that I had to ask the next question. "B is it possible that your gay or maybe bisexual?"
"I can't be Connor!! Why do I feel like this with him! Help my bubby please!"
He was crying hard now. He hasn't called me bubby since we were younger and he would get scared and want me to cuddle him. And that's exactly what I did. I pulled him into a lay down position so he was laying on top of me and held him while he cried.
"Yes baby?"
"Would you still love me?"
"Baby look at me...." I turned his head so he was looking me in the eye "you supported me 100 percent when I came out and I would do the exact same thing for you. You're my baby brother and I'll love you forever no matter what! Do you understand!?"
"Yes thanks Connor.... Can you sleep in here?"
"Of course "
Not even 10 minutes later we were out cold...
Troyes POV
"Has anyone seen Connor or Brandon in the last couple hours?"I asked as we were all in the kitchen
"No maybe they're in Brandon's room." My mom suggested
And of course we all went to look only to open the door and find the cutest site ever. Brandon was laying on top of Connor while Connor had his arms around Brandon both sleeping. Of course we all got our phones out and took pictures. I looked a little closer and realized Brandon had been crying .
So I went over and ran my fingers through Connors hair waking him up.
"Hey Troye boy"
"Hey baby. Why does it look like Brandon has been crying?"
"Huh he told me why he was upset today but it's not my place to tell trust me he'll say when he's ready."
"Alright are you sleeping in here with him?"
"Yah he asked me to."
"Alright I love you "
"I love you too "

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