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1. Censor you're cussing.
Don't want this one to be taken down, so just censor it. Please and thank you!

2. No smut in the book.
For the same reason as above. I don't want this one taken down. If you wanna cuddle and kiss, it's all cool and fine; but when the clothes start coming off, no more.

3. Roleplay in third person.
I cannot stress this enough. It's just... idk it's weird when people don't. So yah, thanks.
That includes the "*lick* she liked her ice cream."
Yeah no, that's annoying and weird.

Bullying is not tolerated. Now if your oc is a bully and is bullying another oc, I get it; but the second you start bullying outside of the roleplay you will immediately get kicked out of the book.

5. Have some diversity
Have face claims that are unique and different. Not everyone is blonde with blue eyes. Also try to have them relatively match their age! Not everyone is shy and sweet and cares about everyone. Which reminds me-

6. No Mary or Gary Sues
Your ocs have to have flaws. They're human beings. And I personally think flaws make the oc better to roleplay with and just funner.

7. 4+ sentence replies
No one liners. None of that. This is a detailed roleplay, so please four plus sentences. I get it, sometimes it's hard. When people reply with "she nodded smiling" HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO REPLY TO THAT??? It helps the roleplay move forward and feel more realistic when replies are long and detailed. So yah, please and thank you.

8. You have to have equal number of male/female roles.
My females need some males too. Please please take some male roles too. For every female you make, you have to make a male role as well.

That's it! Some get warnings and some I'll just kick you out. Depends how severe it is.

If you made it this far hi! Tag three people on your form!

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