Lost is Found: Part 5

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Today was the day that Lucy was going back to work. She had been mentally assessed and cleared by the shrink, and had passed her physical exam with flying colours.

Lucy had slept over at Tim's the night before, but she had brought a bag over with all of her stuff in it. Tim was going drive her close enough so that she wouldn't have to walk too far, but not too close where other officers would see them coming into work together.

Lucy had been off work for just under two weeks; she missed her friends' faces.
Just before they left the house, Tim gave her a hug and a kiss, saying, "We can't do this anywhere near the station, just in case anyone sees us."

At her nod, he continued,"And whose house tonight are we at tonight?" They each had a few of their things at each other's houses, but Tim couldn't really go to Lucy's very often because of Tamara.

"I'm alone tonight, Tamara's at a sleepover, can you come over to mine?" She asked. Tim smiled and nodded.

"Now that's sorted, let's get this show on the road."


-at the station-

"And finally, I'd like to welcome back Officer Chen to the department," Tim finished, smiling.

A few 'welcome back's echoed around the room, and Lucy gave them nods of aknowledgement.

Grey dismissed them all, sending them all of out the room.

Lucy caught up to Tim on the way to the armory, keeping an what she thought was an appropriate distance from him.

After climbing into the shop, away from prying eyes, Lucy didn't miss the flirtatious glances and the innuendos which Tim would throw her way; he made her heart flutter as if there thousands of butterflies rioting inside.
This continued for the entire day until they could finally go back to Lucy's apartment, where they cuddled and watched television for the rest of the night until Lucy dozed off on Tims chest.

-the next day-

Tim was out of Lucy's hair early the next morning - a brand new rookie was coming in on short notice, and a schedule needed to be sorted out.

Lucy quickly scrambled up some eggs for Tim, which he wolfed down, giving her a chaste kiss as he darted out the door. She sighed, the apartment felt empty without his presence.

She took her time getting dressed, having eaten at the same time as Tim, she didn't need to make herself breakfast. It was too late to go back to sleep, but too early to do much, so she sashayed around the kitchen, cleaning it as she hummed.

Glancing at the clock some time later, her eyes widened as she saw how late it was getting. In record time, she was dressed at out the door, taking off down the road in her new dark grey car.

She arrived at the station with a good half hour to spare, and she made use of it by stopping by Tim's office knowing that it was too early for anyone else to come calling.

Still, she kept cautious, as in the station anything could happen, and she refrained from kissing him, instead choosing to lean up on his desk.

Tim was facing the door in his chair, as customary for offices, and Lucy was leaning up on the long side of the desk furthest away from the door, turned the opposite way from Tim so she was facing away from the door, but towards Tim.

He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over his stomach and plastering a lazy smile on his handsome face.

"Good morning again, my little beauty," he drawled, his eyes twinkling at the new pet name. Lucy's eyebrows drew together, but her amused smile had Tim starstruck as he gazed up at her with so much love and admiration that Lucy felt as if she could burst.

And then all of a sudden, the smile dropped from his face and a blank look replaced it, his eyes flicking towards the door. In the early morning quiet of the station, the squeaky footsteps of unbroken boots could be heard. Lucy straightened up and moved away from his desk, standing at a 'respectful' distance away from the front of his desk, just as the door swung open.

"Knock before you enter. Get out and try again." Tim's firm voice cut through the air as he maintained eye contact with Lucy. His tone surprised her - it had been a while since she'd heard his Sargeants voice.

"Uh- um- yes sir-" came a timid male voice.

The door swung shut again as the new rookie left, and Tim stood up, leaning over his desk towards Lucy, the corners of his lips turning upwards.

"Have a nice day, my love, whose house tonight?"

Lucy gave him a small smile in return," I'm open to either, what do you think?"

"I wouldn't mind sleeping in your bed again - it's bigger than mine, but hey, I guess size doesn't matter," he shrugged, grinning slightly.

Lucy snorted, reaching out to flick his arm lightly.

"I'll see you after parade, mister. My house after shift, I love you," she hissed as she backed away from him and opened the door, a smile still on her face, paying the rookie stood by the door no mind.

As she meandered off, the rookie stood  by the door gazed off after her, catching a glimpse of a pretty smiling face. He now knocked again, already mildly flustered that he'd messed up his first impressions with the Sargeant.

"Enter," Tim called, wiping the smile off his face and setting it into his 'scary Bradford' face.

The rookie shuffled in, his eyes darting around the office.

"You are the new rookie?" Tim questioned, a deliberate hint of disbelief lacing his tone.

The rookie nodded, squaring his shoulders.

"What was that? I didn't hear you," Tim fired towards him.

"Oh- yes I'm the new rookie," he faltered.

"Yes what?"

The rookie stood stock still, unsure of himself.

"Yes, sir,"  Tim emphasized coldly.

"Yes, sorry sir," the rookie backtracked.

"I'd hope so," Tim shot back. He muttered something along the lines of 'how did you even become a cop' under his breath. He pulled out a clipboard.

The name 'Chen' graced the top of the clipboard in large letters, and Tim's mask of indifference slipped momentarily as his eyes bulged out of his head.

"Give me a minute," he muttered quietly to the fidgeting rookie in front him.

Grabbing his walkie talkie, he barked angrily into it. "I'm sorry Lopez, but who decided that Chen would he training this new rookie?"

Angela's voice came back through the walkie talkie cracking a snarky reply. "I have a phone, Tim. Call me."

He slammed down the walkie talkie onto the desk, pulling out his phone as he glared at the rookie.

"Angela I swear to God, why is Chen training this rookie?

"Yes I'm aware she been here long enough.

"Does she want to do th—

"You haven't asked her?!

"Ah yes, because you, Angela, know her so well that you are sure she would take this on."

Tim was silent for a bit, nodding slowly as his jaw unclenched.

"So, if she doesn't want to do it, you'll pick someone else, no questions asked?"

Tim huffed glancing at the rookie.

"Ok then, thanks Ang," he said, before hanging up and turning to him.

The rookie squirmed under Tim's stare, before squaring his shoulders and sitting up straight; a feeble act of defiance, for Tim's plan was always to break the rookie and build them back up to an excellent cop. In this case though, there didn't seem to be much breaking to do.

Seeing the rookie's little self confidence boost, Tim let out a sharp scoff, narrowing his eyes at him and asking, "So, big fella, what's your name?"


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