Lost is Found: Part 3

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It had been just under a week, and Lucy had pretty much recovered in the physical aspect. Mentally? Not so much.

Tim had offered to take her home, and she had agreed, reluctantly, not forgetting what happened just a few days prior.  She had a sneaking suspicion that when Tim picked her up, he would either be really awkward, pretend it didn't happen, or be really, really mean.

Her wrists still bandaged up, she packed up what she could, compartmentalizing all the presents that she had received over the past few days, and leaving the heavy stuff for Tim. When he arrived, she was pretty much fully packed up, and on his entry, she offered him a smile.

He just nodded in return. Lucy had guessed right. Tim was going to be mean. The smile dropped slightly from her face, and her eyebrows drew together at his coldness. He grabbed her bag, turned on his heel, and began walking out, muttering a quick " let's go," under his breath. Lucy stood up quickly, and rushed to follow him out.

As they headed towards the reception, they were ushered into a waiting room, where they were told that there was an overflow of patients, and would have to wait to sign out. The room was empty, it was just the two of them.

After a few moments of silence, Lucy ventured, "Why aren't you saying anything?" Tim turned to Lucy, shrugged, and said nonchalantly, "Nothin' to say."

Offended, Lucy retaliated. "Tim, I haven't seen you all week, you came to visit one time! One time! Nyla and Angela came every day, and don't blame it on the fact that you were busy, because even Grey found the time to come see me a couple times!" She began to move towards him, and continued. "I was missing for two days Tim, and then hospitalized for a week, and not once did you come to see me after we-" Lucy paused and faltered as she struggle to out into words what she felt.

"It's because of what happened Lucy," Tim uttered gently, a stark contrast to Lucy's loud tone. He shifted his weight towards her slightly, "We crossed a line that day, we both needed time to breathe," he continued.

Lucy glared up at him. "And who are you to decide that?" Suddenly a gleam of hope shine in Tim's eye, but was vanquished as quickly as it came. "I was your boss, we ca-"

Lucy cut him off, "You were my boss. You currently aren't Tim, and I'm not going to let the man I love with just disappear because he didn't have the balls to own up!"

Lucy was almost in tears now, her hormones thrown off by the pain meds she was on.

"Yes Lucy, I was your Boss, we have maintain a level of-" he stopped. Their conversation had been ricocheting back and forth so fast that his brain had not had time to catch up with what she had said.

"...the man you- you love?" The hopeful gleam was back in Tim's eye, and Lucy, realizing what she had said, scrambled to correct herself.

"No, no I didn't mean it like that, it's just slipped out, I don't-"

Tim promptly cut her off as he took a step forward and snaked an arm around her waist, ducking his head and tilting her chin up.

As their lips met, it was if stars exploded. Tim poured passion and love into the kiss, and years of pent up tension was finally released.

When they finally broke apart, with Lucy still pressed up against Tim, he smirked, and said, "You should have said you loved me."

Lucy smacked his chest with the palm of her hand, muttering "Tim Bradford you sneaky fool," and then buried her head into his chest.


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