Lost is Found: Part 6

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"So big fella, what's your name?" Tim asked the fidgeting man in front of him.

Of course, Tim already knew his name, and it was on his uniform but he liked to ask anyway.

"Sam Peck, sir," he replied, softly. He had an English accent. The office seemed quiet with the door shut.

"Speak up boot, I can't hear you," Tim fired back.

He cleared his throat, before announcing clearly, "Peck, sir. Sam Peck."

Satisfied, Tim continued. "Officer Chen will likely be overseeing the most part of your training as a rookie. Expect her to work you hard - I was her T.O when she was a rookie. You can ask her about that if you get the chance. And also," Tim warned, standing up. He towered over Peck. Tim could almost see him gulping in fear. "Don't even think about messing her about. If you so much as step a toe out of line, I will have your badge. Do you understand?"

Peck nodded, his eyes widening slightly.

"I can't hear you."

"Yes, sir." Peck's voice was hoarse and quiet.

"Good. Get out of my office, you're dismissed. Roll call in ten."

Peck mumbled a quiet 'yes sir' as he spun around, hurrying from Tim's office.


"Officers, this is our newest rookie - Sam Peck. 89 in his test score, which is admittedly, lower than ninety, but it's acceptable,"

A few chuckles rang out across the room.

"Chen, you will be overseeing the first part of Officer Peck's training, until he drops out, you drop him, or you decide you don't want to train him anymore. Then there's always the possibility that he completes his midterm training and doesn't need a full time T.O anymore - but hey, we'll cross that bridge when we get there, okay?"

Two 'yes, sirs' could be heard; Lucy's relaxed, faintly amused voice, and Peck's shaky quieter voice.

He dared not even look at this 'Officer Chen' whom Sargeant Bradford seemed so protective over.

"Good good. Now today is no special day, but we are staying vigilant. The weather is mild all day, so I'm expecting petty misdemeanors and write-ups. Cop eyes on everyone, serve and protect! Dismissed."

Immediately mumbling and chairs scraping started up, the occasional few lighthearted shouts being thrown across the room; everyone was eager to get to work - it was a nice morning to be out on patrol.

Peck sat in his seat a moment longer, his eyes shut tight as he mentally prepared himself for his day ahead.

"Come on Peck, get a move on!" He heard Officer Chen's clear voice poke through his thoughts. He sighed before pushing his chair back, the legs scraping on the ground.

"Yes ma'am." He spoke, turning around, only to be faced with the same woman who had left Sargeant Bradford's office early this morning, a smile on her face. She was not smiling now. She had an impatient look on her face.

"Ok Peck, I'm Lucy Chen, nice to meet you and all, but you can do all of your mental prep in the shop. That sound good?" She asked him.

He just nodded, noticing how pretty she was.

"Good good," she said, echoing Bradford's earlier used phrase. "Right now though, we need to get to shift, so I need you goto the armory and get the shop prepared. I'll get coffee. Milk or no?"

"Milk please," he said as they turned towards the door. As she walked slightly in front of him, he snuck a few glances at her. There was a tattoo on the side of her neck.

"Meet me back at the shop in five," she called, turning the opposite direction.

"Yes ma'am," came the sure answer.

It was only when Chen had left that Peck realized that he could not remember where the armory was. Of course, he had had a tour before he had started work, but the location semed to have didlodged from his head.

He looked around, but the remaining few officers who were still moving about the station appeared to be in quite a hurry, and he didn't have confidence to disturb them.

Peck spun around a few times, the corridors blending into one another until he had no idea which way he had come from, or which way to go.

This was the only place in the station with a T-junction, and the only place where things looked the same, aside from posters and such, which of course you wouldn't notice if you had only been there a few hours.

As he turned his head again, he was met with the sight of Sargeant Bradford walking towards him, folding his arms over his chest as he pulled up in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Bradford asked, his voice hard.

"Uh, I got lost sir, I couldn't find the armory," Peck replied, keeping his voice as steady as possible.

The Sargeant stared at him hard for a second, before opening his mouth, but before he could say anything, his eyes flitted up, causing Peck to turn around.

"Peck, it's been ten minutes, where have you been?" Chen asked.

"I-" he began, but Bradford spoke over him.

"He got lost on the way to the armory, I assume he's been here a good while," Bradford talked much faster than Peck, so they saved a few seconds without Peck's mumbling.

"I see," Chen replied, a musing look on her face, "Well Peck, the armory is that way-" she said pointing down on eof the corridors, " -you go get the shop ready okay? You'll get used to it," she finished shooing him off.

A small " yes ma'am" was uttered as his back retreated from them.

Watching him disappear around the corner, Lucy dragged her eyes away to look at Tim, whom surprisingly, was glaring at the corner Peck had just turned.

"Tim?" Lucy asked quietly. Tim's eyes flicked down to her. He hummed gently, encouraging her to go on.

"I just met the guy, and I swear to God he's one of the most clueless people I've ever met. I wasnt like that when I was your boot, was I?"

At that, Tim chuckled. "You were a bit like that Luce, but you didn't get lost in this junction to be fair," said Tim, shrugging slightly. "If you need any help with him, just let me know, 'kay?"

Lucy smiled, loving to hear that familiar phrase again and again. "I know, I'll see you after shift, I love you," she murmured gently, bumping her shoulder against his as she moved past him.

"Love you too Luce," he whispered in the almost empty junction.

She smiled brightly, walking off, ready to start her shift.


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