Season 2 Chapter 5: Indrus

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GUYS, HUGE NEWS!' Mina shouted from the other side of the room.

'What is it Mina?' said Xyla. 'I think its time for you to meet my parents' Mina said.

'Woah, what? Isn't this I don't know a coincidence since we just met mine' Sierra said while raising her eyebrow.

'It looks like it but my parents said they have a big news to tell me' Mina said excitingly.

'And you need us there why?' asked Harper.

'Because I don't want you guys to miss this big moment' Mina said cheerfully.

'Well, I guess we can go now' Xyla said as she looks around at the girls and they nodded with approval.

'Well, let's go then' she added as she stomps her foot on the ground lightly and a portal opened.

They went in one by one closing the eyes.

They all came crashing down on each other as they are seen in a new location.

Mina immediately gets up and looks around in amazement.

'Welcome girls to Indrus' Mina said happily as the girls get off the ground.

'It looks nice Min. If I don't come off as rude, shouldn't your homeland be in the ocean?' asked Xyla.

'Oh you guys, a lot of tourists usually ask us about this question' Mina said as she puts her hand on her hips.

'Well, only the king and queen stay in the ocean. We stay on land but also can go into water' Mina tried explaining.

'I see' Dahlyn muttered. 'Now that I think about it, we're kinda like frogs' Mina said.

'Oh Min' said Jaylee as she face palms.

'Well no more time wasting, let's hurry to my place' Mina said as she was the first one to run.

'Wait up!' Sheila said as they all ran after her like adults chasing their kids.

'H-how can you ru-run so fa-fast?' Harper said while panting.

Mina just scratches her head while Dahlyn looked at her in admiration.

'Anyway, we're here' she said as they reached Mina's place.

'It looks nice' Iris said as she fixes her glasses. 'Thank you, now let's go. I can't wait for what they are going to tell me' Mina said excitingly as she runs towards the doorway.

She accidentally walked into a closed door and falls onto the ground.

'Oh my Silva, are you ok Min?' Xyla said as they all rushed over her.

'Yep, just so excited' said Mina as she immediately rushes into the house.

'That girl is weird' Jaylee said as she follows after her.

'Still, she's our weird best friend' said Xyla.

The rest of girls laugh at the statement as they follow after them.

'Mother, father!' Mina shouted as she ran to go hug them.

'Oh my precious baby, look at you all grown up' her mother said.

The rest of the girls just giggled at the back.

'Now who are you?' her mother said as she notices them at the back.

'We're Mina friends and it's a pleasure to meet both of you, Mr and Mrs Alias.

'Oh, it's nothing. You didn't tell me you were bringing your friends' said Mina's mom.

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