Chapter 2

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"Congratulations babe"

"The newest staff in chase bank"

Mia lauds at Amber excitedly as they cheer happily gulping their liquor, Amber notice a buzzling corner in the bar and turns to Mia.

"What's going on there?" Amber ask anxiously.


"They normally play bets during the monopoly game session" Mia explains briefly.

"Monopoly in a bar?" Amber ask in surprise with confuse stare.

"Yeah. Do you want to try it?" Mia ask anxiously and Amber nods impatiently, they drink the liquor in one gulp and proceed to the buzzling round table.

Amber at first bet with small cash and the players mock her annoyingly but before a blink of an eye, almost half of the players went bankruptcy during the game as their money were given to Amber, she continues playing confidently while Mia encourage her endlessly.
The players mutters sadly to themselves.

"You always do!"
Mia cheer happily on seeing the heap of cash on Amber's desk.

"Mr. Liam is here!"
Another strong player has arrived making the players to back out gradually, Amber turns around wondering why the players were pulling out.

"Little girl, are you still in?" the game organiser ask Amber mockingly as everyone aside Mia burst into laughter.

"Level 10, hard vision, bring it on" the mysterious stranger said confidently and everyone mutter in surprise while Amber lift her gaze toward the stranger, she couldn't see him clearly due to the constant changing club lights but at its sparkling bits she could see his handsomely shaved beard and sharp arch eyebrow.

"Are you in?" Mia nudges Amber so she would give the anxious room a reply.

"Bring it on" Amber said confidently nodding her head and they restart the game.

The game organiser turns to the dark shaded handsome stranger.

"Any desire bet, Mr. Liam?" He ask politely.

"If I win, I'll have her tonight to myself. If I loose, her bet" the stranger said courageously and Amber smirks rolling her eyes.

"If I win, all my drinks tonight will be on your tab. If I loose, your fucking bet!" Amber said annoyingly provoked and everyone  becomes anxious as the game begins.

Base on her accounting calculative IQ, she is very good at the game but it seems like she has hit the wrong person as they keep getting exact scores causing tie while sometimes the stranger seem to be winning.

"Will he really have me tonight?"

"The thought of this disgust me... Eeww"

Rather than focusing her mind deviated, she throws the dice on the large board and proceed on playing the number using her object, the stranger smirk at her every turn while she wonders on how to get the "proud" stranger to his knees.

The crowd mutters desperately to themselves on who will win and on the fact that the game was taking too long to end, the stranger removes his gaze slightly from the board for seconds and after two turns Amber wins.

"She's incredible!"

"She won Mr. Liam!?"

"No one has ever won Mr. Liam"

The people including the game organiser roar in surprise while the stranger remains reserved.

"My drinks" Amber flicks her fingers mockingly at the stranger.

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