2 - Blinded friends

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A/N: short // not edited

⠀"We're here!" Ashton cheered, clapping his hands as I groaned for what seemed the thousand time, "oh come on Mike, it will be fun!"

⠀"No, fun is staying at home and eating pizza, this-" I paused signaling around, "is torture."

⠀He simply rolled his eyes, his grin not leaving his face, "blah blah blah."

⠀When we got out I literally felt like running out, it was so tempting. Plus I'm sure ashton wouldn't notice, he was to busy looking at the rides the way I look at pizza.

⠀"Come one! I want to get on all of them! And I'm saving the Ferris wheel for last!" He squealed earning some weird glances by fuckface people.

⠀I shot the a 'what the fuck are you looking at' glare and walked behind him, not bothering to hide my judgment towards these humans.

⠀So Ashton decided to go on the merry-go-round, and of course I declined.

⠀Because I'm punk rock.

⠀"You're missing out!" He giggled as the stupid machine started moving.

⠀I sighed, taking out my phone and snapping some pictures of my best friend which is two years older than me; on a merry-go-round. Cause it's cute.

⠀"Hey there." I heard a female voice say behind me, causing me to turn around, "what's your name? You're cute." She winks and the only reason I didn't throw up is because I'm not that rude.

⠀When I didn't reply she spoke up again, "Oh what a dummy I am," the blond giggled, "I'm Amanda."

⠀"Yeah, Amanda, okay. Well nice chat. I have to go." I said quickly, walking away from the make up covered girl.

⠀"I didn't even catch your name!" She called out and I rolled my eyes.

⠀"I'm gay you dumbass!" I called back.

⠀Ashton has been in all kid rides and the time for the Ferris wheel has come, and honestly I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit shooken up.

⠀"Tickets." The guy controlling the ride said, looking more miserable than how I felt.

⠀Unlike him, Ashton giggled as he placed the tickets in his hand skipped into the seat as I grimaced behind him, suddenly he gasped as I had buckled the seatbelt, "What?" I frown.

⠀"My phone! I left my fucking phone on the bench!" He yelped as he stood from his seat and rushed out, "be right back!"

⠀"You can't just leave me here!" I panicked trying to get out of my seat, but the damn lock was set, and was gonna unlock when the stupid ride ended, "Ashton! Fuck you Ashton!"

⠀"Here is a seat here." The man who had taken our tickets said as he guided a tan boy with raven hair to sit next to me, making me groan.

⠀I angrily sat, not bothering to pay attention to anyone, just trying my best to keep myself from pissing and having a stroke is all.

⠀"Hello." The boy said and beside me.

⠀"Hey." I muttered and felt the seat start to move.

⠀I clutched on for my life in to the railing as we went higher up into the air, suddenly when we where in the mid section, it stopped.

⠀"Oh god!" I spat, clutching on roughly to the seat railing as the rough impact took it's loose, leaving the person sitting beside me and I stranded in the air.

⠀"What happened?" He asked and I scoffed.

⠀"The ride got stuck, clearly. Can't you see? We're in mid air." What an idiot.

⠀"What?! They told me they where taking me on a bumper car ride, what is this!" He started shuffling around, causing me to frown.

⠀"Couldn't you kinda see this isn't a bumper car ride?" I ask.

⠀"I can't see." He whimpered and my jaw dropped.

⠀Well shit.

⠀I stayed silent and he started moving again, "are you still here?"

⠀"Yeah, yeah," I say, feeling pity towards the blind boy.

⠀"I want to get off." He sobbed, and I swear my heart broke at that very moment, I looked down and saw other people on the ride smacking their lips in disappointment.

⠀"Hey! Move the fucking ride!" I yell and the worker man looks up.

⠀"It's stuck! We're trying to fix it!"

⠀"I'm Calum." The boy tells me fixing his black glasses.

⠀I smile at him, but then remember he can't see me at all, "I'm Michael."

⠀"Cool," he sighs, shaking his leg as I do the same.

⠀"Who made you get up here?"

⠀"This group of guys from my school, they're really popular, I thought they wanted to be my friends. But now I can tell they where just trying to have fun by messing with me." Calum informs me and I frown, what has the world come to nowadays? People messing around with one that has disabilities.

⠀I'm disgusted.

⠀"I'll be your friend." I shrug and his face lights up, turning his head the way opposite of me.


⠀I chuckle and tap his shoulder, making him turn to face me, "Really." I confirm.

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