5 - cell phone

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"Fuck." Michael groaned as he fell off his couch and onto his rather rough ground.

He rubbed his neck as he stood lazily and got worried when he noticed Calum wasn't there.

"Calum?" He called out, he also looked inside his bedroom and the guest room- but the only one in there was his poodle.

Worriedly, Michael grabbed his phone- about to call the nine one one, but he stopped as he saw there was a plate with five pizza slices beside it.

The ones Calum and him had made.

He looked down at his phone and saw it was already open notes.

"It's to early for this confusion." Michael sighed as he saw a written note there.

'Hey, my mom picked my up. You're really cool Michael! Thanks for everything! You fell asleep fast haha, so much for a night owl :) but it's ok! Here's my number, hope to see you again friend!
- Calum x
(P.s I recommend that you should really put a password on your phone buddy haha okay byeee)

"Hm," Michael smiled as he finished reading what Calum had left, "blind boy is something else."

Michael was interrupted from his small daze when his door started being knocked on loudly.

He set his phone down and hurriedly went to open it, revealing a clearly pissed off Ashton, but Michael still moved out of the way to let him enter.

"So you see me get mad at you and you don't even call me to apologize?" Ashton spat and crossed his arms.

"I was gonna call you- I just woke up-"

"At two p.m.? I've been waiting all morning for a call, you always call me to ask how I am and if I want to hang out! What gives?!"

Michael felt rather guilty for upsetting his best friend, "I'm sorry I stayed up late, I was tired Ash."

Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Look i'll make it up to you, yeah? Let's go to the mall, I'll get you whatever you want." Michael smiled as he walked over to Ashton and gave him a bear hug. He knew how much he loves those.

The curly haired boy groaned in annoyance before he gave in, "Oh alright! But you have to be there when I'm trying out clothes, got it?" Michael mentally rolled his eyes, he hates shopping- but he would do anything for his best friend.

"I promise I'll be right by your side." Michael grins before kissing his cheek and going to his bedroom to change into decent clothes, sweats and no shirt aren't the best thing to wear at a crowded mall.

Ashton blushed madly as he put his hand over the spot Michael kissed, he closed his eyes and smiled happily.

"I just have to try a little harder." He whispered as he sat down on Michaels couch. He heard Michael's phone beep and his curious self picked it up.

He laughed as he saw Michael had Justin Bieber's tweet notifications on. Ashton retweeted and decided to go through Michael's phone.

He slid his finger across the screen and frowned as he saw the note.

"Calum?" Ashton's face went hot, not in a good way. "He left him his number too?"

That pushed him off the edge, Ashton erased the note, but not before blocking the blind boys number from Michael's phone.

"Much better." He grinned and set the phone back in place.

"Hey you ready?" Michael smiled brightly as walked over to Ashton. Ash smiled back and nodded as he took his keys out.

"Yup, let's go."


A/N: short chapter! Smh ash

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