3 - Take me home

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One hour.

One motherfucking hour and we are all still stuck on the ride.

And I'm not even mad about it.

Calum is pretty cool guy, he's interesting. He told me he's really into art and baking, I asked him how managed to do all that without having vision, he said he'll explain later.

"I kind of have to take a leak." I start and he nods, facing straight ahead, "you okay?"

A soft smile appears on his lips and he shakes his head, "Yeah, I'm still really bummed about those jocks. My mum was so happy for me, she said I was finally going to have friends, man is she going to be upset."

"Hey I'm here, am I not?" I grin and he giggles, "look just tell me their names an ill take care of it alright?"

"Okay, Michael." He grinned.

A loud screeching sound is heard, and the Ferris wheel starts up, and we start heading down, "Finally!"

"It started again?" Calum asked, and I was about to nod. He can't see, damn it.

"Yeah it did."

Once we where finally down, I quickly unbuckled myself and stretched, my bum ached.

"Michael!" Ashton's voice startled me and I look up to face him before he tackles me in a hug, "gosh I am so fucking sorry! I shouldn't have left you here! Are you okay? Do you need your inhaler?"

"I'm good." I laugh and hug my best friend back tightly, "I'm alright."

He released me and sighed in relief, "I was worried sick! I was sure you were going to have a panic attack or something, you know cause your scared of heights and all-"

"That's enough." I cut him off and Calum coughs awkwardly beside me.

"Oh yes! Ashton this is Calum," I signal Ashton to the raven haired boy next to m, "and Calum this is Ashton."

"Nice to meet you!" Ashton chirps.

"You as well." Calum smiles.

"Isn't it a little dark out to be wearing sunglasses?" Ashton jokes, I look at him and throw him a 'shut up' look, "what? I'm just saying."

"Ashton hush." I glare.

"It's fine, Michael." Calum laughs, "I'm blind Ashton."

Well, that was easier to explain than I thought.

The expression on Ashton's face was priceless, he paled and his mouth did an 'o' shape as his hand was smacked to his face, "Oh my fuck, I am so fucking sorry!"

I laughed along with Calum as he shook his head and told him it was okay. "So um, can you guys give me a ride home?"

I looked over at Ashton and he nodded in approval, "Wait- shit I forgot my house key! And my mom isn't home, she works late shift!" Calum face palms himself and groans in annoyance.

Holy shit that sounded hot.

"Not to sound weird or anything, but you could stay over at my apartment?" I suggest and Ash frowns at me.

I guess I'm an asshole, so me doing kind deeds is really fucking weird. Right now I'm freaking myself out.

"Like if you're cool with it?" I add and bite my lip awkwardly.

"Yeah sure let me tell my mum, thank you so much, Michael." He takes out his phone and presses the home button, "Siri call mom."

"Hey Mike can I talk to you?" Ashton smiles and I nod, "we'll be right back Calum."

"Okay!" He smiles before starting to talk on the phone.

When we are far enough so that Calum can't hear he starts, "Are you fucking serious Michael, you can't just invite people to your house like that! You just met the guy."

I frown at this, "Um, he seems like a good guy Ash. It's my apartment."

"I know that you shit, it's just. I don't know."

I roll my eyes and turn to walk back to Calum, "let's just go Ashton, it's late."

"She said yeah!" Calum smiles and puts his phone in his pocket.

"Alright!" I cheer, "so let's get going home yeah?"

I find the whole situation amusing, I lead Calum beside me, when I look back to see Ashton, he looked a bit hurt.

Oh no.


"Shut up Michael."


A/N: Hm I wonder what's wrong with ashton. ):

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