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Thanks for sticking around! Enjoy ;)

(i realize some of the things takeda says might make him sound like a bit of a creep, but he's not don't worry.-)

Warning, i'm not great at writing dramtic scenes


"Do you understand the mission?" The four Ukai had called in nodded. "Tendou. You didn't answer," 


Ukai sighed. Tendou was always a bit of a wild card. He now understood why Takeda had said for him to go, but he was still unsure if it was worth it.

You see, Tendou was... eccentric. And because of that, he could distract people enough to let their gaurd down in casual situations. Usually used for finding somewhat incriminating information, but it can be used for good and bad. He's also a bit of a flirt, in his own, odd, way. And flattery is a useful tool. He could probably get something out of hinata if he wanted to.

But he was still a wild card. He kida does what he wants to do, no matter the situation, so he could potentially, pardon my language, Fuck up the mission.

It might have been safer to send Oikawa after all but... Takeda is also a bit eccentric.

What can he say, he likes 'entertainment'.

"If you understand, you all may leave."

All of them left, expect Ushijima.

"Is there a problem?" Ukai asked with  raised eyebrow. "I am unclear on my purpose? This Is not exactly my area of expertise."

Ukai sighed.

He honestly didn't know what was going on in Takeda's head. He uderstood tendou's purpose well enough, same as akaashi's, but he was in the dark on Iwaizumi and Ushijima's.

"I Wish I could tell you. Honestly, the only thing I could think of is that the plan for you is to just act as a customer, don't do anything too out of the ordinary.""

Ushijima nodded in uderstanding and left with no more words on the matter, leaving Ukai with his thoughts.

'What is takeda thinking anyway?'

Was Ushijima there to balance Tendou? Or was his blunt personality going to clash with Hinata? 

And iwaizumi? This was way different than his usual things. What was his purpose?

"Ukai?" He was snapped out of his thoughts by the mastermind himse

"You got it love," Ukai smiled, calling the two in.

This was becoming a bigger operation than Ukai expected. Honestly he thought the idea was going to be shot down, but his husband was curious and in the mood for messing with people for entertainment.

Wow that sounded much more evil than he considered it to be.

Ukai leaned back in his chair after hanging up the phone from calling Tsukishima and Kenma.

'Take is something else isn't he,' He thought to himself. Takeda seemed to be almost different people on different days. Some days he could be almost bashful and cute the next harsh (even though it was rare), some days he could be rational, and some days he could be more like this.

Days such as these were often a bit more extreme versions, but you get the idea, though Ukai sometimes worries if Takeda comes off as creepy. He'd beat the shit out of anyone who dared say it to his face, but he could get how it could be mistaken.

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