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Hey lol

No important notes i think...

So let's go!


It was dark.

That was the first thing hinata noticed when he woke up.

In his 'Just woke up let me sleep stupid brain' mood, he just tried to roll over and hand himself back to the beautifully unbound world that was sleep.

But then he noticed something else.

'I can't... move?'

Still not awake enough to even begin to realize what happened, Hinata just tried again.

To no avail.

He Was pretty awake after that.

'What the hell..? Where am I?' He thought to himself, looking around to see that this was definetly not the room he fell asleep in. As expected, thats when panic began to sink in.

"What.. What?' He said quietly at first, noticing the restraints he was under.

"Where am I? Out.. out. Fuck how do I..? Where Am I?!" He slowly got louder as he realized he couldn't escape the bindings.

All this ruckus awoke the other person in the room with him at the time, who had accidentally fallen asleep.

"Shoot. Wait, c-calm down please." She said, rushing over, however nervous.

"Who The hell Are you?! What do you mean calm down?!" Hinata was freaking out more and more by the second.

The yelling frightenend yachi more than expected, causing here to panic a little as well, but she kept it under control, for the most part. "Okay, okay breathe," She was kind of talking to both of them.

"My name Is Yachi hitoka. Please uh... Please stop yelling, i will explain all of this okay?"

Hinata didn't trust her for a minute but figured yelling wouldn't get him anything but..hurt...

And thats when the panic started to give way to a different though just as familiar emotion. Fear.

Hinata let out a shaky breathbut pressed on, as confidently as he could. "What's going on."

Yachi took another deep breath and began to explain.

"Okay, uh... So You've been...Brought here... Because our boss and some of ou members have take quite an intrest in you."

Hinata said nothing, but wasn't at all calmed by this information. So yachi continued.

"I'm- uh.. I'm really sorry,and would like to apologize on behalf of all of us about our means of getting you here." Then she quietly added on,  "I know it's was probably really scary..."

But she shook her head an kept speaking.

"A-anyways. So the boss will come a bit later and help explain in more detail, since i don't even know the whole story. Until then, i'll stay with you and stuff. I know that you don't trust me and have no reason to, considering the circumstances but uh... We won't hurt you. We brought you here as gently as we could and it's in our best intrest that you stay as safe and healthy as possible." She finished with a shy and somewhat guilty smile

Hinata Just stared at the ceiling.

Because, no matter how this person- Yachi, Tried to word it, he'd just been kiddnapped.

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