Part 2:Corruption To The Core

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Soaring threw the sky fly's a drop pod with a Death Guard Dreadnought that lies inside ready to show his enemy's how gracious there chaos god really is. Smashing into the ground destroying the crust of the planet corrupting it slowly. The plates of the pod burst off and a metal giant walked out bellowing one sentence "I am the instrument of Nurgle's will"
(Death Guard dreadnought)

 The plates of the pod burst off and a metal giant walked out bellowing one sentence "I am the instrument of Nurgle's will"(Death Guard dreadnought)

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"Brother Dreadnought Nox we welcome you and thank you for you have not awoken in 50 years". The Terminators, Dreadnought, and Pox walkers began making there way to the very center of the planet where the main base was centered on the planet leaving behind a husk of a tau base.

The loyal Death Guard kept making there way to the largest tau base on the planet but ran into something that would rise concern. A riptide battle suit the largest of the battle suits patrolling out in the fields most likely to kill threats before they could get to the main base.
(Riptide battle suit)

The Terminator sergeant had a idea on how to deal with this problem

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The Terminator sergeant had a idea on how to deal with this problem. "Brother Nox flank the riptide suit to the right the last of this forest will conceal you enough". He then commanded the poxwalkers in some daemon language to attack the the riptide. The poxwalkers stumbled out slowly making its way to the suit and most of them getting killed by the Gatling plasma cannon the riptide was armed with.

After the riptide suit finished up the poxwakers it couldn't detect the dreadnought in time as it was right behind it. Brother Nox then blasted its rockets in the back side destroying the shield then running as fast as he could when it was stumbling from the explosion and smashed his hand directly into the suit and then engaging his flamer to torch the tau inside. They all watched as it stumbled and slammed into the ground sparking and burning as a tau got out of the cockpit a pox walker smashed his head in and biting his arm which would lead to him turning into a poxwalker as well.

This battle did not go unnoticed as more tau forces arrived in a hammerhead speeding over a ledge mounted with a rail gun and shield drones.The tau began by firing the rail
gun at brother Nox blasting off the dreadnoughts arm but no matter he felt no pain. Three tendrils extended from Nox's shoulder and grabbed the arm that was blasted off slamming it back into shoulder slowly fixing it. 20 tau soldiers exited the hammerhead with there drones ready to shield them and in there minds no matter the outcome of this fight it was all for the greater good. The Terminators pushing forward fired there Bolters into the tau but all survived but 1 that a shield drone couldn't reach in time. They where slightly wounding the Death Guard except for one fatal shot that hit one of Terminators directly in the neck causing him to fall to the ground kneeling not dead but severely wounded.

His battle brothers angered by this where done with range warfare and pulled out there plauge scythes and charged the xenos. The tau continued firing at the Terminators as they charged but they felt no pain and there armor protected them. They mutilated they tau striking them, tearing limbs and smashing there body parts corrupting them turning after and turning them into pox walkers. They killed all the soldiers but the railgun was still up and running. Brother Nox who had finally repaired his arm to the point where he could fire his cannons emptied 10 cannons shots into the hammerhead head making it lose control and lose its ability to flout making it immobile.

Brother Nox was pleased for he was showing grandfather Nurgle's gifts. While the hammerhead was lying on the floor brother Nox walked to the cockpit and grabbed the tau piloting it. Before he would kill him he spoke something that was only truth "You Are blind from truth only because of your own insolence". He then used one of tentacles from his arm and wrapped it around the taus head snapping his neck. He then turned him to a poxwalker with a tentcle corrupting his soul and body.

After all of this the Terminators and brother Nox ran to the wounded Terminator to mend his pain. "Brother stay with us Nurgle will not let you die for he is forever with us". All 9 Terminators then spoke in a daemon language in unison to cast a healing psychic ability with the limited psychic power they had. Afterwards the Terminators neck wound stopped bleeding and a horn sprouted from it only causing a new battle scar. After all of this the Terminator sergeant ordered all of his battle brothers to keep heading deeper into the tau planet. "Brothers we push forward deeper into this xenos world for we must continue this journey in the name of Nurgle and are sorcerer".

End of chapter 2 thank you so much for continuing to read my story and once again feedback is always appreciated

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