Part 3:Assistance At a Dire Time

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The Death Guard have continued there journey into this foul xenos planet with reinforcements promised to take on one of the largest bases on planet to get directly to the leader of the tau. The Death Guard wish to strike where it hurts and kill as many as possible for a army with no numbers is not an army at all(except for Custodes the custard fucks). "Terminator squadron we have spotted a large base in your general area this could be your chance to thin there ranks". "We have spotted it as well sir but theres one small issue, theres a kx139 suit in are way and we don't have the fire power to take it down". "I will send in the dread chaos knight." "Affirmative sorcerer sir."

A massive hurling ball of flame falls threw the cold galaxy with a aura of terror following it. The knight made the planets crust shatter as it landed on the planet with a smoke cloud appearing off of the rubble. There may have been reinforced but the landing did not go unnoticed by the tau with the large kx139 turning to there direction with its 3 cannons glowing ready to fire at any enemy in its wake. The kx129 may have been ready but chaos is foe with unstoppable rage for a Chaos Knight Rampager bursted out from a rubble cloud its engines roaring with fury running at ramming speed.

The knight with relentless fury stabbed its reaper chainsword into the suits lower torso making it fall back and fire it's cannons a moment to late.

As the suit fell the knight with his shock claw ripped off 2 of the large cannons on its back and shooting its heavy stubber into the tau suit doing small damage

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As the suit fell the knight with his shock claw ripped off 2 of the large cannons on its back and shooting its heavy stubber into the tau suit doing small damage. "Brother dread we rejoice in your appearance! CHARGE CHILDREN OF NURGLE!'' The terminators began unloading there storm bolters killing tau infantry and smashing in the occasional tau with there power fists and corrupting them with nurgle's love. Brother Nox destroyed multiple devil fish with his missiles and torching the larger suits with his flamer not saying a word chillingly.

Nurgle's children descended on there foe with the gifts of Nurgle in hand in the form of a cold bolter shell to xenos skull. The knight finished of the suit but not unscaved as one of its cannons hit brother Dreads side hitting nothing vital. He finished him off bringing of the suits right arm and shoving his chainsword deep into the suit bellowing a war horn afterwards.(check video up top) He then rampaged on to the tau forces tearing all in his wake in the name of the plauge God. The Terminators where almost untouched by the tau as there armor was much to powerfull and even if the tau hit them Nurgle's blessing where to great to make them feel any pain. (1 Hour Later)

The Death Guard finished off the tau and destroyed all there vehicles so escape was not a option. There leader was there at the base and was captured for the sorcerers interrogation. The Death Guad ship was finished passing threw the planets grid undetected and landed near the base with the sorcerers walking out of the ship Sickle in hand with his tallyman trailing behind him.

 The Death Guad ship was finished passing threw the planets grid undetected and landed near the base with the sorcerers walking out of the ship Sickle in hand with his tallyman trailing behind him

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He walked to the commander who was tied up with tendrils on a crate they placed him on unable to move much. "Greetings commander we have come to show your planet Nurgle's gifts, We hope you have embraced them." "Your a mad man sorcerer you have no place here on our planet and your blight will never corrupt all of are people." "Oh dear commander this is not a matter of your word are plauges are already to the deepest core of this wretched rock. Now i offer you and your people one way out of this." "And that would be mad man?" " Embrace our grandfather with open arms and become part of chaos and you all will survive." "My kind will never bow a knee to chaos you plauge infected warp spawn." Then let's make it official xeno." The sorcerer then cleaved the head clean off of the taus body and punching a hole in his chest and planting a disease deep into his core and waiting for it to sprout. "That's number 2356 sorcerer sir" said the tally man.

The Tallyman then wrote something on his paper to ensure the Death was embed to history

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The Tallyman then wrote something on his paper to ensure the Death was embed to history. "Thank your brother for he was another for Nurgle's garden." "To the capital we March brothers in the name of are great grandfather!" "FOR NURGLE" shouted all of the Dearh Guard and Pox walkers with brother Dread blaring his horn once again.

End of chapter 3
Hello there my battle brothers I apologize for the delay but I will try to be better with my schedule and once again feedback is much appreciated

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