༺ Your Encounter With Bai Wuxiang

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*+Aquarius+*You were throwing away some moldy cabbage into a wasteland that you found in one of your baskets that you were going to have for dinner when someone tapped your shoulder

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You were throwing away some moldy cabbage into a wasteland that you found in one of your baskets that you were going to have for dinner when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and saw some rando with a white mask, half smiling half crying.
"What? If you want the cabbage your gonna have to fish it out of the horse shit."
The ominous being only stood there not knowing what to say and you just walked away awkwardly, wondering if they were actually going to get the cabbage.

You were playing with some marbles when you felt someone staring at you from behind your back. You ignored it and kept playing but you felt the presence get closer. You turned around after procrastinating for too long and you saw a guy with a weird ass mask. To avoid the worse you said:
"Your probably ugly under the mask," And walked away, not taking a second to acknowledge the masked figures presence any further.

You were making dinner and someone walked next to you, you knew they had no good intentions, you grabbed the butchers knife and pressed it against their neck making them retract slightly. You didn't look at them, just kept on cutting the onions.
"Listen here, if you try to pull any shit I will shove you into that boiling pot of water or cut a bitch."
You felt the presence of the figure disappear and you continued to cut the onions unbothered.

You were washing your face in the lake after a mental breakdown and saw the reflection of a man wearing a half smiling half crying mask. You shrieked and lunged backwards, elbowing them in the chest eliciting a low grunt from the ominous man.
"FUCK TO THE DONALD DUCK NO!" You screamed as you ran into the forest; leaving the mysterious figure behind.

You heard a whisper in your ear as you lie in bed, you pulled a saber out from under your blanked, you heard and felt the whispering being retreat out the window.
They should really take into acknowledgment that you sleep with literal weapons of war under you covers and pillow that your aunt gifted you for your 7th birthday.

You were reading in a library when you saw someone with a white mask staring at you from the corner. You eventually had enough and snapped at the weird guy.
"If your gonna kill me for the love of god get it over with, I fucking hate it in this world." You threw the book at them and they vanished.
"You betta get back here and finish the job or I'm gonna do it myself." You mumbled.

You were studying for an exam when someone with a suspicious mask sat next to you. You gave them that look that said: get tf away from me, but they didn't budge. So you let out a sigh and said calmly:
"Listen I don't want you looking at my notes, Mu handwriting it too beautiful for your cheap eyes."
You successfully shooed them off after the comment and you continued to study and pretend you actually understood what was on the paper.

You were putting a bandage on a huge cut you got from a knife on your hand when someone sat on your bed next to you. You slowly looked over and there was a really weird looking person who was dressed in all white and had a mask.
"Uhm, if you wanna stay you gotta pay rent. This place ain't cheap buddy." You held out your hand that wasn't cut.
"Start paying up or leave."
"Ahem, don't leave me hanging, one or the other." The person eventually just left the room and you never saw them again after that.

You were hunting for dinner when you were just about to shoot this annoying ass Hawk when someone flicked your bow; messing up your shot.
You immediately whipped the bow around and hit the person in the center of their forehead with the wooden weapon so hard it snapped.
"Consider that a warning because I will do a whole lot more than that."
You strode away; fists tightened and decided you would have something vegetarian based for dinner.

You were playing cards with Capricorn when a guy with a mask appeared out of nowhere and tapped Capricorn's shoulder behind them.
"Sorry, we're playing cards, tap me more later." You snorted at the comment but the person didn't budge.
You leaned over Capricorn and slapped him in the face to get him away from your friend.
"F U C K O F F, fuck off. Your welcome for the bonus spelling, it takes effort to achieve such skills." You said dramatically and shoved him away; Capricorn bursted into laughter.
You continued your game of cards and in the end there was no sign of the strange man, total win.

You were sitting in a boat that was set out in the middle of a calm and good type of lonely lake. So when that silence was interrupted by a strange figure with a white mask sitting right behind you on the boat; you had let your anger loose.
"Get the hell off my boat masked ass bitch or I'll push you off, and trust me those Puranas below the surface aren't gonna be any more merciful than me."
You both sat in silence and getting tired of it you stood up and got into a kicking position but just as his body was about to be victim of your boot he vanished.

You were playing cards with Scorpio when you felt a tap on your shoulder, you didn't bother looking over and only said:
"Sorry, we're playing cards, tap me more later." Scorpio let a chuckle slip but over a certain amount of time the looming presence didn't leave and Scorpio seemed to be gettin irritated.
Suddenly Scropio leaned forward and over your shoulder, all you heard was a slap and your eyes widened.
"F U C K O F F, fuck off. Your welcome for the bonus spelling, it takes effort to achieve such skills." At the comment you couldn't contain yourself and you burst into laughter.
After a nice card game you both got back up and the being was gone, as expected of course.

After a nice card game you both got back up and the being was gone, as expected of course

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