The Beginning Has Just Begun

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It was the first day of school, and I was in 3rd period, science. Science was never really my strong suit. I guess I just didn't want to pay attention to it. You see, my mom taught AP chemistry and never stopped talking about it. I love her and all, but sometimes she just really needs to chill out.

Anyways, I was in hell; whoops, I meant science class. And I wasn't paying attention, I was zoned out. Then suddenly, all of the students turn to the 3 others at their tables. So I reluctantly turned to mine. Luckily for me, the teacher repeated the questions we were supposed to answer. They were just "get to know you questions" or as I liked to call them, "you should stay out of my fucking business and never talk to me afterwards cause I am probably going to lie about the answers anyway questions".

We were to introduce ourselves. I soon found out that their names were Jayden, Nicole, and Vesta. Nicole and I went to the same school as each other for about 4 years, but we never really talked.

Jayden was quiet and didn't say much, but she looked like a nice person.

But Vesta, Vesta looked insecure about something, but I couldn't tell what it was. As soon as we locked eyes, I had this weird urge to look away. So that's exactly what I did. Almost instantly, I regretted my actions. When I caught a glimpse of her from the corner of my eye, she was looking down at her hands, playing with her fingers. I didn't even know her, but something in me started to ache. I decided to glance at my hands too. I'd never done that before, maybe I did it to try to see what she was seeing, to try to view the world as her.

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