Sensual Thoughts

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Vesta and I were hanging out like we usually would in study hall. We were laughing so loudly that the teacher in charge of us had to tell us to be quiet about 10 times. I still really liked Vesta, maybe even loved her. Wait- no! I meant as a friend! I'm straight, you guys are fucking creeps.

But I had big news for her. I didn't really know how she would take it though. All I knew was that I had to tell her.

"Hey, uhm Vesta?" I said to her nervously.
She turned her head towards me, looking at me with her gorgeous, deep, brown, chocolatey eyes.

"Yeah?" she responded with her soft voice.

I froze up. I just couldn't tell her what I had to say. I was thinking about the endless possibilities of what could happen to us.

"Neptune!" She ran over to hug me.

We giggled joyfully as she almost knocked me to the ground. She is so cute.

Vesta kissed me on my cheek as we regained our balance. We continued with our walk. We decided to visit this beautiful park I found when I was a kid. It was filled with her favorite flower, the Black Joker Siberian Iris. I think she loved them so much because of the gold. WAS SHE A GOLD DIGGER?!??!?! Well even if she was I'd still love her.

We weren't really talking about anything, but we were talking about everything. We found a bench to rest on. We sat down, but then I noticed something. She looked nervous. I began to blush at her cuteness. Just then she looked over and saw me holding back my laughter. She began to laugh at the sight causing me to laugh with her. I loved her laugh. It made me feel warm and safe inside. Even at the darkest moments.

Out of nowhere, a huge gust of cold wind flew past. Vesta shivered just the slightest. I knew it would be cheesy, but I did what I had to do. I poured my jackets over her shoulders. Watching the grin swing onto her precious expression, I smiled.

I pulled her closer to me. I could feel the warmth of her body as she snuggled into my chest. Once she was comfortable, she made a long sigh. I chuckled at her actions and held her tight in my arms.

She yawned, almost dozing off. I softly tilted her head to look at me. I gazed at her fluffy, luscious, pink lips. She glanced at mine. She looked into my eyes as I looked into hers. She peeked down at my neck. She looked starved. Vesta pulled herself up, still lodging on my lap, laying her hand on my temple. We looked passionately into the eyes of each other. I quickly decided to make a sharp turn. I swept her up, immediately placing her underneath me. She gasped at my sudden movements as I dug my head into her neck.

I kissed softly down her body while undressing her. Although the wind still blew, we kept each other warm.

As I got down to her thighs, I looked up to her with pleading eyes. Her eyes were half-closed, she was biting her lip in pleasure. I could hear small moans retracting from her vibrant lips. She still managed to laugh as I reached for her hand to peck.

We were both mostly undressed. I glided back up to her face. I could see the satisfaction in her eyes.

I leaned down, she shook with desire. She pulled me in front of her lips to say something.

"Please, mommy?" She said in a whisper tone. I froze in surprise. I knew I had to do it. I looked at her one last time for reassurance before I-

"EARTH TO NEPTUNE!" Vesta yelled to me.
"You were really out of it. Are you okay?"

I shook my head in shock. I looked into her eyes of worry to reassure her that I was okay.


Ha. Ha. Ha. You thought that actually happened horny motherfuckers.

THAT WAS ALL A FUCKING DREAM!!! I literally wrote it, and I'm mad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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