Chapter 4:The Message

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Up in the Imperial Heavenly Palace, a celebration of Crown Prince and Princess's 2000th wedding anniversary was just finished and guests from all over were leaving. It's said that they received the best of gifts from guests.
At the gates of the Imperial Palace, three people were seen walking towards the gate with two stationary guards with spears in their hands crossed. They were two men and a young lady. The lady who appeared to be in her late twenties is dressed in a casual turquoise blue dress with a simple golden hair corset on her head that signify her status and the two men were in black and pink robes respectively. The man in black appeared to be a bit younger than the man in pink. Both are looking handsome.
"Aiyo,it was my pleasure celebrating your anniversary with me. You really didn't have to see me off". Said the man in pink. Now, he is high god Zhe Yan.
"We are really honoured to have you here High god Zhe Yan". Said the man in black.
"Even if you didn't invite me,I would still come. I can't afford to get bored again now that Zhen Zhen visits are getting less and Mo Yuan have gone into seclusion again".
The lady cuts in,
"I thought you love staying alone.Even if you're not bored,you still owe some jars of wine. Hmph". Then the three chuckled. Then Bai Qian continued,
"Anyway thanks for coming"
Suddenly, there's a tinkling sounding from Zhe Yan's belt. When he raised it up, it turns out to be a furry white rabbit. Not seemingly surprised, he smiled and stroked the rabbit.
"Little Puhh, did you feel uncomfortable under the robes hmm"?
"Hey, you never told me that you got a little pet for yourself". Bai Qian said.
"Well you don't share your personal matters with me nor visit me as often now that you have a family".
"So this is how we pick at our faults. See". Bai Qian said to her husband.
"This is the true colour of this old phoenix. He didn't take opportunity to get married and start a family, now he is jealous". Then her husband laughed.
"That was then. I liked being alone but not anymore. Luckily, I have Little Puhh to keep me company".
Bai Qian observed the furry animal.
"Is this a ordinary rabbit?". Zhe Yan nodded in reply.
"Why not have a spiritual beast to keep by your side to last longer, this rab..." Her husband a slight shoulder push urging her to stop teasing. Seeing the reaction on his face, Zhe Yan noticed.
"There is no need in stopping her already,I am used to her teasing".
He turned to her and said
"I liked the rabbit because it is ordinary and simple. Simple things matters anyway. Besides I could extend its lifestyle by feeding some herbs. Right. Little Puhh?. He stroked the rabbit.

"Puhh"? The rabbit looked at Zhe Yan with a deep cute red eyes.
"It is cute". Bai Qian reaches and strokes the rabbit.
"I will love to get one for I and A'Li".
"I thought you don't like being cute all time". Her husband look at her with a surprised look.
"And so. I don't have to act tough all the time. Hmph".
"Couples and their bickering". Zhe Yan laughed.
While the three were talking, a middle aged man in simple blue court like clothes approached them with a group of eunuchs following him behind.
When the man got to them,he saluted them.
"Greetings to the Crown Prince and Princess and to you, High God Zhe Yan".
"Greetings to you High God Si Ming".
"I haven't seen you a while High God Si Ming. I was about leaving now but I had in mind. I will come visit you one of these days".
"I would be honored to receive your visit. High God Zhe Yan". High God Si Ming saluted.
"Hey hey please don't bother with the formalities. We are friends after all. I promise to give a jar of peach blossoms".
"I hereby thank you in advance for your generosity".
"You're welcome. That's not a problem".
" I trust that the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess is doing lately". Si Ming turned to the Crown Prince and his wife.
"We are doing fine". Crown Prince replied.
"I am sure you have a message to deliver for us Si Ming. That's why you are here I guess". Zhe Yan inquired
" Yes, Infact the message is for you High God Zhe Yan from His Lord".
"How is His Lord doing?"
"He is very fine. He asked to tell you that the mist has been cleared, the mountains can been seen on the sky again and he also asked to thank you on his behalf".
"Tell him I received his humble thanks".
"I will. And lastly, he asked me to tell you..."He paused and looked at Bai Qian and her husband a bit strangely.
"It's ok. They are family to me".
He nodded and motioned to the eunuchs behind. Understanding what he meant, they moved away from the group.
"His Lord said he did some divination and he asked me to tell you that there will be a change for you. That you must be prepared".
"Did he say explain more about the divination" Bai Qian gets curious.
"No. But all I can say is His Lord has been a bit quiet on Zhe Yan's divination".
"Ok,Si Ming. I will take note of that. Please send my regards to His Lord for me and to the princess".
"Yes. High God Si Ming. Thank you for the message". The Crown Prince thanked him.
"I will leave now"Si Ming saluted and left.
When High God Si Ming left, the couple looked at Zhe Yan with concern. Zhe Yan looked at them with a warm
"I will be fine. What challenges have these old young bones not gone through".
"I will take my leave. I will have get home early to attend to some things. See you later"They exchange their salutes and Zhe Yan left.

The couple hold hands.
"Is he going to be okay?".Bai Qian looked worried.
"Don't worry. Don't you know the type of person he is? He is going to be fine".
Bai Qian nodded in agreement.
"Let's go".Her husband takes her back.

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