Chapter 6: Town

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Felix was currently lying down on his futon. He had already checked his new home. This house was kinda small for four people. The main structure of the house was a dining room, a kitchen, and two bedrooms. One was his parents’ room and another one, the big one, was for Miles and Felix. The reason they had the bigger one was that when Anne was still living here, she shared the other room with her mother, meanwhile, all the other boys shared a room.

Felix thought that his actual place could be compared to his old apartment. But that place was all for him. So he was quite amazed that his family of 5 could have lived here all these years.

“Here, this should be fine.” Mother Rosie, who was folding some old winter clothes, handed the bag to Felix.  These were the clothes that they were going to give to Fang Yu. It was still the middle of autumn so there was still some time until the winter arrived, but even so, it was already cold now. What's more, Felix was now dressing in some long pants with an old sweater. It was easy to know that the sweater and the pants were very worn out, they had a lot of patches of different colors all over the place. But even so, Felix didn't mind. He was so busy in his old life that he never cared about his aesthetics. As long as it was warm he didn't care what he wore.

“Well, I'll go look for Fang Yu.” Felix grabbed the bag and put it on his shoulder. He was kinda curious about the village. Even if he had the memories of the original host, it was different from experiencing it by himself. 

“Wait for a second! Here, wear this too. Is starting to get cold now. What are we going to do if you catch a cold? We don't want you to stay another three days on the bed.”

Mother Rosie put on a red handmade scarf around Felix's neck. The wool was not very good, but Felix looked at the caring gaze of Mother Rosie, and he felt that this scarf was enough to survive the whole winter.

After that, Felix got out of the house. Since it was autumn, Father Lewis and Miles were working in the harvest to prepare for the cold season. 

<Qiu, how long is the winter on here?> 

<Oh! Let me see…> The system was looking for his guide about this world, it was sponsored by his senior! So he was reading it religiously.

<Winter…winter…oh here it is! Winter starts in late November and it finishes in the last weeks of February.>

<Oh, I see…and how cold are they?>

<Very cold! Even if you want to build a snowman you can’t! That's petty I would like to do snow rabbits!>

Snow rabbits…cute.

Felix now could see the exterior of his home. It was an old, tiny brick and wood yellow house. It looked pretty like the houses in European fairytales. Since the system said that the winters were cold, he should start thinking of a way to warm up the house.

The house of the White Family was far from the center of the town. Mother Rosie had some flowers in the front garden. Whatsmore, the house was surrounded by a wall of roses. It looked very beautiful with the morning dew. Felix couldn't help but imagine that if someone stole a rose, maybe a beast would bring him to a castle.

Felix walked for about ten minutes, and then he finally started to see more houses. The path from his house to here was full of green and grass. But the town had an old cobblestone floor all around. Also, all the houses were next to each other. If somebody fights with their neighbors, it would be bad.

In general, it was very lively around. All the houses were made of brick and they were painted with different colors, so it gave a very cheerful tone to the town. There were villagers walking around. 

Felix: Amazing!….is this heaven?

Felix was beyond amazed, after all, he liked animals very much. And these people some had dog ears, others had cat ears! 

While he was fooling around, some aunties noticed the distracted Felix and approached him. 

“Little Fel! What are you doing outside? ” An aunty with cat ears asked, meanwhile she gave Felix a worried expression.

“Are you already fine? I heard that you have been in bed for three days, is it fine for you to walk around with this cold?” The other aunty also had cat ears, but his one looked a little bit younger.

Felix checked his memories and remembered that this pair of ladies were sisters.  They had a little stall in town and sold some veggies at a cheap price. Felix was very familiar with it since the original host always liked to go to ask for some veggies.

“Hello Aunty Susan, Aunty Vilma. Thanks for your concern, but I am already fine!” Felix polity greeted the two ladies. The owner of the pet cafe in his last life was a lovely old couple. So Felix always treated older people with respect.

Aunty Susan and Aunty Vilma were shocked by how polite Felix was. The basket with apples fell on the floor. They were accustomed to the childish Felix, that would always be very casual, and never greeted anybody like this.

immediately Aunty Susan put her hand on Felix's forehead. She sounds very concerned. “Fel-chan, are you really okay? Don't you have a fever? Does your head hurt?”

“Come on, let's go to see Mr. Greck! He should give little Fel an examination!” Before Felix could say something he was dragged by the two aunties to Mr. Greck's clinic.

When Mr. Greck saw the two ladies coming with the helpless Felix behind them, he was very confused. But the thought that was louder on his mind was How could these two old ladies be so fast!?

“Aunty Susan. Aunty Vilma. What brings you here?” 

“Hurry! I think little Fel is dying!” Aunty Susan said. 

“Huh?” You couldn't blame Mr.Greck for being confused. After all, Felix looked perfectly fine.

“Yes! Earlier, Fel was acting weird! He greeted us like an actually educated little master!” 

And like that, Mr.Greck made a full medical check on Felix. After it was confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Felix, the two old ladies finally relaxed. 

Mr. Greck. “Are you sure that you don't feel any discomfort?” 

“Yes. I really appreciate your concern, but I'm really fine.” Felix answered. He was kinda tired since they kept asking him the same question. But he didn't mind, he knew that these people were genuinely worried about him. Besides when they worried the ears of the cat aunties would move. Cute…

“But, Mr.Greck, why does little Fel act like this all of the sudden?” Aunty Susan couldn't help but ask. This child has always been naughty and without a sense of crisis. Seeing a more polite version of him out of nowhere was very surprising.

“I think…maybe the impact on his head makes him more mature. If it is permanent or temporary I can't say.” Mr. Greck was a human that used to work in Springshade City. He had a very good clinic there. But after he grew old he left the business to his son and daughter-in-law, and retired here to Moon Village.

“Really?” Aunty Susan was amazed. “If we knew that all it took to make you more sensible was a hit on the head we should have hit him a long time ago!” 

Felix “…”

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