Chapter 26: Weeding Preparations

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In the White Family house, a battleground had taken over. Felix had never experienced the terrors of war. But now he knew, more or less understood the fear of those brave soldiers. Since, he faced one of his most terrible and hardest trials. Even his transmigration was a tiny thing in comparison to what was happening now in his own house. He didn't fear death (since he already experienced it once) but this terrifies him. He had never seen such terrific people in his short rabbit life.

His wedding planners.

Now it has been almost a month since the little episode in the bakery, until now no more problems had happened, or at least that he knew of. Because if there was something wrong, Fang Yu wouldn't tell him.

Now he is four months pregnant. At the beginning, before he knew his condition, he only thought that he had grown some fat, since he had been eating a lot, but now that he is conscious that a little life was growing inside him, his belly had grown more significantly. Now, his stomach was starting to be more round. Obviously, Fang Yu wasn't unaware of it. In consequence, Fang Yu hardly gave him any tasks to do. Even going to the bakery was a challenge, since his over worried fiancé preferred him to stay at home.

Today, Mother Rosie took this opportunity, and made Felix stay at home to start preparing his wedding. This time, Felix didn't oppose the idea, because he didn't want to wait too much for the wedding to happen. That was how much he wanted to marry Fang Yu.

Qiu, who had been reading his thoughts, said tactlessly, <Aren't you just worried about being too fat on your wedding night?>

Felix... No more carrots' pie for you today!

Ignoring the crying system, Felix sat at the corner of the room with Henry, who had taken the day off to join Felix.

Ah, if you are wondering who had taken care of the shop, well Miles and Fang Yu were having fun at the moment.

Beside Mother Rosie and Henry who had little Iris on his arms, Anne, Aunty Susan, Aunty Vilma and some other omega girl with fox ears were present in the room. A little cramped, he may add.

The fox ear girl was Isabelle. She had beautiful tangerine colored hair and as mentioned before she had some little fox ears on the top of her head. Also, she was the daughter of the town matchmaker. Apparently, her mom was training her for the occupation.

Together, those ladies were discussing all types of things that Felix didn't quite understand. From the place of the wedding, the number of guests, the dishes, the wedding suits, a lot of etcetera...

The only thing that was sure, was that the cake was going to be covered by Rose Garden. It didn't make sense to order a cake in another shop when you have your own bakery, after all.

"So, what do you think?" Mother Rosie asked.

"Eh... I think it is fine?" To be completely honest, Felix got lost almost at the beginning of the conversation, so now, he didn't know a thing about what they had been discussing for the last hour.

Henry, by his side, said in his ear, "They were asking if you were fine having the wedding here in your garden."

Then he nodded his head, "Oh, that's fine." On this matter he didn't have much thought. But thinking about it, it was a good location. His house was far from the other houses in the village, so it wouldn't disturb his neighbors if they had a party. Besides, Mother Rosie had transformed their front garden into a little eden, so in terms of decoration it wouldn't be a problem.

"Okay then, what about the food?" Isabelle asked.

"Well, Vilma, Rosie and I can cook. If we need more help, we can always ask the other woman in the village." Aunty Susan offered.

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