Chapter 9: Autunm Night

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“Wow, this is amazing! It is really warm inside here!” Anne exclaimed happily. 

“Thanks, older sister. If you like it, I can ask older brother (Fang Yu) to make it in your room as well. I don't think it is good for the baby to be exposed to the cold.”

It has been a week since Felix had the idea to use the konoe fruit as insulation for the house. At first, it was kind of hard to think of a way to put the filling on the walls. But Felix asked Fang Yu for help. And he had the idea of using some wood tablets to make an extra wall. Even if it used little more of the space, Felix was very satisfied. Now, the entire house has the konoe insulation. So no matter where you were, you couldn't feel the cold winds of the winter that was approaching.

“Well, then I will trouble little brother.” 

“Fel, please go call your father and brothers, the dinner will be served soon.” Mother Rosie said from the kitchen.


Today was the day that the farmers did their harvest. The winter was about to arrive, so all the farmers in the village went to help.

Walking to the fields. Father Lewis, Miles and Fang Yu were getting some vegetables in baskets along with other fellow villagers. Seeing Felix coming, the trio of men stopped their work with a smile.

“Father, Older Brother. Mom says that dinner is ready.”

“Already? It is good that Fang Yu helped us. Otherwise, we should still have to work until late. Thanks again, Fang Yu.” thanked Father Lewis.

“Not a problem, Uncle. Go and enjoy your dinner.”

“Haa… I am so tired. I'm dying of hunger. Come let's go.” Miles said, already walking towards home. Father Lewis said goodbye to the other villagers and was about to follow Miles.

Felix was also going to follow, but suddenly had a thought. Looking back, he said. “Brother Yu, do you…want to go and have dinner with us?”

Both Father Lewis and Fang Yu were surprised by Felix's question. “Is it really okay? I don't want to be a bother.”

Father Lewis looked into his younger son's eyes. There was a bit of expectation in them. Maybe even Felix himself didn't know how his eyes looked. Noticing something, Father Lewis suddenly didn't want to let Fang Yu come. But he couldn't say no to his youngest son.

Putting a fake smile, Father Lewis said “No problem at all. There's plenty of food. This was a good harvest. No problem to put one more dish at the table.”

“Then it is decided. Come on, Brother Yu.”

Felix took Fang Yu and pulled him to his house. They quickly pass before Miles. He was surprised by the sight of his younger brother pulling Fang Yu's hand. Miles looked back at his father who had a similar expression. Father Lewis knew what his older son was thinking. He could only sigh and shook his head.

Lately, Felix and Fang Yu were getting along better with each other. Since they encounter each other in the forest, Felix goes to watch as Fang Yu does during the day. In medieval times, there wasn't much entertainment, so the villagers were full of gossip about those two. Specifically, Aunt Vilma and Aunt Susan were very excited as they were saying that Felix had finally found a good husband candidate. Even if Fang Yu was technically a beggar at the beginning, he was not homeless, he worked hard every day, had a good temper and was also good looking. So nobody looked down on him. What's more, there were some women and omegas that were jealous about the good relationship between the two. 

Thinking about the rumors, the face of Miles was black as ashes. He quickly sped up to catch up with the two. 

If Miles had heard about the rumors, it was impossible for the two parts involved hadn't. So both Felix and Fang Yu had some pink blush on their faces. 

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