Chapter 5: The Worries of a Rabbit

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“I'm pretty sure little Fel cubs would be pretty cute. It would be good if you make grandmother soon.” Mother Rosie said.

“Yeah. It would be good if my child can have a little cousin to play with.” Anne said while stroking her stomach.

“No, no, no. What in the world are you talking about!? Felix is still too young! My boy is not leaving my house!” Father Lewis was just like a dragon keeping his precious treasure.

On the side, Miles was supporting his father. “Yeah, that's right! Didn't he just jump into a cliff recently? He clearly can't be married off yet!”

“What are you talking about? With much more reason, we have to find a good husband for Felix, so he can keep him safe.”

Father Lewis, “Why would I leave the safety of my child with a stranger? I would do it myself!”

“Mother, Father keep calm please, don't get agitated. It is not good for your health” Rowen was trying to smooth things out but the battle between Father Lewis and Mother Rosie was like a forest on fire.

Maybe I should have said nothing?

Felix recalled his memories and found that this always happens every time that somebody mentions the topic of marriage. This started the year when the original host turned 15. Father Lewis and Older brother would always say that Felix was just too immature and foolish to be the wife of somebody. Meanwhile, Mother Rosie and Older sister are the complete opposite of them. So it was a battleground every time somebody mentions that topic.

As for what the original Felix said about this?

Well, he didn't care. He thought that it wouldn't be someone foolish enough to want him as a bride. So he let his family argue, meanwhile he went to play in the village.

Since the original host didn't care, neither did Felix, so he happily ate his meal. Currently, he was eating some scrambled eggs and some tea. He didn't know, but these eggs were very tasty. He clearly had tasted better foods on the earth before, but for some reason, this meal felt like it was the best meal that he had in a long time.

After some time, the topic of marriage was left aside, and the harmonious meal continued. It was almost two o'clock right now and Anne and Rowen were preparing to leave.

Felix, who was eating some of the apples he received suddenly asked. “By the way, who rescued me at the end?” The information that the system gave him didn't say who specifically saved him. It just said that there were some fellow villagers who found him.

“Oh, it was Fang Yu. He found you when we were looking for fruits in the forest. Let me tell you, for him to be only a beggar, he is hella strong.” Miles said.

Felix was very surprised to hear the name of the east. He had assumed that this world, or at least this part of the land, was more western style. Felix tried to recall his memories about Fang Yu.

Fang Yu was a human that came to the village three months ago. He didn't speak much, so at the beginning everyone was scared of him, but with time the villagers noticed that the man hadn't brought any harm to any of them. Gradually, people began to talk with him. In the end, the villagers realized that Fang Yu was a man with a scary face but with a cheerful personality. He said that he was a beggar but didn't say where he came from. But since he had a name that was similar to the names of the kingdom next to this one, all the villagers guessed that he was from there. Then he decided to settle down here. The village head, who had a soft heart. Decided to let Fang Yu live in one of the empty houses at the end of the village. It wasn't in the better conditions, but it was better than living on the streets.

Since then, Fang Yu has been doing all kinds of jobs to make a living. He also frequently went to the forest in the mountains to grab fruits and hunt some wild animals. That was the reason why he was there in the first place.

Well, since he is the one who saved him, he should probably have to go and express his thanks.

“Mom, should I give Fang Yu something? After all, he saved me.” Felix had to ask. Since as far as he knew, he didn't have anything that he could give.

“Well, we gave him some meat three days ago. But since you want to thank him personally, you can give him some of our old warm clothes. Winter is coming and is going too hard for Fang Yu.”

Yeah, that made sense.

Wait…something in those sentences sound weird…

<Qiu…does beastman eat meat?> Wasn't that…cannibalism?

<Of course they do! A lot, actually. Please do not think just because they had animal parts do beastman think of themselves as animals. They felt the same as humans to wild animals. Normally they eat cows, chickens, pigs, deer, or fish. And since there are not any tribes of that kind of animal, there is not a problem! Also, a beastman would never eat an animal or their own race. Take Rowen as an example, he is from the bear race, so he will never eat any bear meat. Besides, bear meat is too smelly, usually, nobody eats it.>


<Yeah?> The innocent system asked.

<What about rabbit meat?>

System …

Felix …

<Qiu, what are you not saying anything?>

The system, who didn't dare to talk to his host eyes, could only say in a low voice. <A-at least they don't do it in front of the rabbit race.>

Felix thought that he should be EXTRA careful in the future.

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