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(Year 850)

It came time for Erwin to be killed in front of the eyes of the public. Erwin was on his knees before the fake king and the royal council, including Clyde.

His audience with the king turned sour, and the nobles revealed that Levi had killed several members of the military police squad. They said it was necessary to tolerate a group like the Survey Corps within the walls.

Depressed, Erwin realized that he had done all he could and there was only one bet left. Orders were given to lead him to the gallows. Erwin is freed and all charges cleared.

As he is escorted out of the room, a female soldier bursts in and announces that the Colossus Titan and Armored Titan have taken Wall Rose. The refugees were on their way to Wall Sheena. 

Pixis reacted immediately, urging soldiers to secure an escape route as some of the soldiers inside the room were panicking over the situation, making a huge commotion.

Lord Schrödinger instantly rises from his seat in vexation. "No!"

"Shut all of the gates to Wall Sina! Don't let a single refugee in!"

The soldiers standing before them looked at him in confusion.

"B-but sir!The people of Wall Rose...Do you mean we should watch as half of mankind is killed?!" Nile questioned him in distraught. 

When the council ordered the gates of Wall Sheena to be closed, sacrificing half of humanity, Nile Dok departed with Wall Rose, as well as Commander-in-Chief Zackly, who arrived with a group of armed soldiers and announced that panic had broken out was just a fabrication.

It was a test of Pixis to see if the aristocracy is worthy of dominating the human race. Now all the military leaders are against them, and thanks to a newspaper article by Berg, so are the civilians. Erwin's coup was successful.

Clyde's father was yelling antics in panic as he sighed heavily. "Clyde, do something! Our peace in the Walls will be ruined!"

His father held both of his son's shoulders, gritting his teeth, looking up to the tall figure.

Clyde was silent, glaring at his father menacingly.

"Oh! Almost forgot, Lord Schrödinger!" Pyxis called him out with his unsettling smile. "Your son helped us and was the one who told the journalist about everything, everyone in the walls wouldn't have known about the truth if it weren't for him!"

The noble's eyes widened. "How dare you dishonor your father! The peace of the walls is ruined because of you!"

"You are my son! Now act like it!" Lord Schrödinger yelled at the top of his lungs. "You are a disgrace to our family!"

"Maybe. But at least I am not your lapdog anymore." Clyde said to him with a straight face, watching his father being handcuffed by the military police, including the other members of the royal council.

He slightly exhaled as his arms were behind him. He's free, he's not being ordered anymore and forced to do something he doesn't want to do. When his father was taken away to the dungeon, Erwin and Clyde exchanged friendly nods as he glances at the window in high hopes to see Delphi.

The people of the walls have now found out about the truth. Clyde had reluctantly told the journalists of Berg Newspaper about the Reiss Family. The rallying civilians had stopped and were surprised by what they read in the newspaper. He knew that Aera would be very displeased to hear it but he has no choice but to do it to set her free from a cell in a forest in Orvud District.


"The false charges against the Survey Corps are gone. You acted in legitimate self-defense." Hanji told her comrades. "The Royal Capital and the administrative are provisionally under Commander-In-Chief Zackly's control. Well, excluding Lord Clyde since he helped us out."

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