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(Rewritten, Abit)

(Time Unknown)

In a foggy misty place, Aera scrutinized her surroundings only to see the lost souls of her past holders. Most of them were looking at her in disdain and disappointment, meanwhile, Annabelle eyed her menacingly.

The ashen-haired furrowed her eyebrows as she realized that all of her past holders were circulating her. They did not speak to her as their glares were making her anxious.

Aera found herself holding a bloody blade, she realized that she was wounded and her skin began pale as her veins were visible. She doesn't know where she is nor how she got there. The stern glares made her feel pressured as she tightened her grip on her blade.

Suddenly, she sensed a man, who had just come out from the mist, attacked her. She reacted quickly and parried him. Voices from her past holders echoed in her throbbing head until she was startled after being poured with cold water.

(Year 850)

"Good... she's awake." She heard a voice.

Aera tried to move until her hand was tied up in an armchair, preventing her to move while her vision and visibility were poor since she was being blindfolded.

"Well... Aera Yeager. You have memories of the world. Mind telling us about it?" A voice questioned. She didn't answer.

"It seems you don't have any intention to tell us. This could help." The soldier gritted his teeth as he rips one of her fingernails.


"Let's see..." She heard the sound of footsteps receding.

"These are the very sickle that you used to slit my men's throats and the very revolvers you used to shoot their heads...!" He slammed the table.

"Tell me, Butcheress. Are you satisfied after killing my brothers?"

She could feel that the soldier came closer to her, eyeing the blindfolded woman. Aera spits at his face to piss him off as the soldier looked at her in disbelief.

"You witch-"

"Enough. We'll take care of this." She heard a familiar voice.

"Commander Erwin..."

"Listen to him, soldier." Another monotonous voice said.

"Y-yes, sir." Footsteps receded.

Aera could sense three tall men standing in front of her. Using her senses, the man in the center was Erwin, the left was Nile, the other one in the right was Pyxis while behind them standing mysteriously was General Zackly. The three commanders and the general had come to visit her cell.

"After the fiasco, we have gained information about you from the Queen." She heard Erwin's voice. "You are called The Valkyrie Titan, a Titan winged protector of the power that resides with Eren."

"By that all means you have the memories of the world."

Aera did not respond as she wore an emotionless expression

"So...Butcheress of the Walls...if you would be so kind to speak." Pyxis spoke.

"Then let's make her talk then," said Nile, signaling the MP to torture her.

"No, don't. Even ripping her nails won't make her say any word." General Zackly stepped in. "It seems that she also has the first king's ideology."

"Why won't you talk?"

"There must be something holding her back... or maybe she's forced to-" Nile slightly flinched at Aera's sudden outburst.

"We won't allow you to see him until you tell us information about the Titans," Erwin stated stoically. "Why didn't you resurrect the dead? Why were you running away? Do you have a mission? Are you plotting something?"

THE VALKYRIE TITAN • ATTACK ON TITAN X OC •Where stories live. Discover now