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(Year 850)

"How was the investigation? Did you learn anything after examining her hideout?" The General questioned the other officials

"Sadly, no..." Nile sighed in distraught.

"It took us two days to figure out how to open the sealed door. It turns out that you have to stroke the hidden skull nearby the entrance," said he.

"It was a messy place. There were shattered statues on the floor, burned books, and dusty furniture."

"It seemed like that Aera knew that we would find her hideout. Just before she returned to the public,  she might have burned all of the evidence on purpose just to prevent us from knowing about the Valkyrie." He assumed.

"Honestly, I don't understand that woman. She can't just hide and keep her secrets forever." Another official spoke.

"She might have a reason, it might be good or bad." Another said.

"You there," Zackly called the guard who is currently standing near him. "Report."

"While guarding outside her cell, it was neutral. She barely eats, barely sleeps, just sitting on the bed of her cell." The guard stated. "But occasionally, I could hear her talking to herself."

The officials listened to him attentively.

"She sounded... angry... flustered," said he.

"What did she say?" One of the officers asked.

"I'm not sure what it was."

"Commander Hanji, last week you had informed me that you decided to let Eren speak to Area. How did it go?" General Zackly asked the female commander.

"Yes...last week. Well, it didn't go as I expected. I thought she was gonna do something bad as soon as Eren approaches her, but Instead, it was just a warm meeting between a brother and a sister." Hanji sighed.

Last week, the Yeagers secretly made an act as they met for the first time. It wasn't what Hanji was expecting.

"That does not answer our unanswered questions. Aera...I don't know much about her. Instead of having the will of the king, she might have been forbidden to speak of her nature." said Levi, as Hanji parted her lips.

"Lord Clyde Schrodinger knows. Maybe we should ask him." One of the officials suggested.

"We have been interrogating this man endlessly, it's best to leave him be. He had informed us everything." Zackly shook his head in disagreement.

"But those people who had been killed by his order-"

"Sir! Civilians! Outside!" An MP barged into their private meeting.

Outside the Military headquarters, some civilians rallied in rage. After reading the news through newspapers, they had learned the truth, not just that; they also found out that Aera's Titan could resurrect the dead.

They had an idea to convince or maybe force the duchess to resurrect their dead loved ones.

"Bring back our loved ones that you slaughtered, Aera Yeager!" one man among the civilians yelled.

"Resurrect the dead!!!" Another shouted, trying to get past the entrance.

Meanwhile, Aera, who was currently in her cell, silently listens to their plea. She was furious toward the military for sending word about her Titan. The loud chanting from outside was quite familiar to her.

It was just like what Annabelle had to hear. After every battle between Eldia and Marley, she brought back the fallen soldiers from their graves. It was not easy as it looked, the sky will darken, her eyes would glow gold, the pain that she would bear was unexplainably agonizing, more likely painful than birth and torture.

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