The Hospital

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When you came to, you drifting along in unrelenting darkness. You could hear a very faint, strange sounding beeping noise in the background, but when you looked around to find out where it was coming from, you didn't see a thing. Something achingly cold was seeping through your veins, and it seemed to be coming from the inside of your forearm. You tried to pull away from it, shake it away, but you couldn't move. It felt as if you were being held down, and this terrified you. 'Where am I...?'

Blinding white light invaded your vision, making the darkness from before seem insignificant. Your eyes opened slowly, trying to adjust to the change in lighting. You groaned as pain gripped your skull in its relentless hands, making it throb. You tried to move your right hand up to your head to try and soothe it, but something sharp twisting in your skin made you abruptly stop. You looked down at your arm, trying to identify exactly what caused the sting. Your arm was hooked up to a needle that branched off into a tube. You winced. Ouch. That must have hurt going in, but you don't have a memory of it. Clear medical tape was wrapped around your arm to keep the needle in place. The tube led to a machine which was dripping a clear liquid medicine into your veins. It was cold. You shivered. You didn't like this.

You looked around, scanning your surroundings warily. You were in a sterilized, white hospital room, and when you looked down at your body, you gasped at the sight of so many bandages. How did you get so hurt? The monitor next to the hospital bed started making frantic noise, signaling that you were awake. A female nurse opened the door and walked in with a relieved smile on her face and a clipboard in her hands

"Hello, Miss. How are you feeling?" She asked calmly. You couldn't quite tell, but you thought you detected a bit of an Icelandic accent. She had pretty, curly, blonde hair, and blue eyes. You opened your mouth to speak, but couldn't. Your voice was so hoarse. You closed your mouth and then opened it again.

"C-Can... I... have s-some... wa-ater?" You asked, practically croaking out each word. Your mouth and throat were both very dry and you had a lot of difficulty asking the simple question. The nurse smiled and nodded, leaving the room. 'Where am I? What happened? Why am I in a hospital?' You mentally interrogated yourself. You searched your mind, but you couldn't find the answers to any of your questions. That scared you. Why couldn't you remember anything? The nurse returned with a paper cup filled with water and handed it to you. She watched sympathetically as you gratefully took it and began to thirstily gulp the refreshing liquid down. You sheepishly looked at her before handing her the now-empty cup. She set it on the table next to your hospital bed.

"If it is alright with you, I would like to ask you a few basic questions. Do not worry though, stúlka (girl), you only have to answer the ones you know." She said reassuringly. You looked at her and slowly nodded.

"Do you remember what happened and how you got here?" She asked. You racked your brain, trying to remember, but you didn't have a clue.

"No, I'm sorry..." You said with a grimace after a moment.

"It's okay. Do you know your birthday?" She asked, her smile fading a bit. You again tried remembering but there was nothing there. You were starting to panic.

"No....." You replied.

"Do... Do you know your name?" She asked, becoming pale.

"N-No..." You replied, tears forming in your (e/c) eyes.

"Uhm... Please, afsakið for just a moment..." She said and quickly walked out of the room, leaving you alone. The tears began to spill over the lids of your eyes and you began to cry. You felt so alone, and you didn't remember anything. Soon enough, your body was racked with angry sobs. Something inside you snapped. You slammed your fists repeatedly against the metal bars on the sides of the hospital bed not even caring about the pain that tore at your arm when the needle was yanked from its position. Blood dripped from the fresh wound, but you didn't care. You began to scream.

"Why me?! Why?! Why can't I remember anything?!?! Remember!!! REMEMBER!!!!" You screeched and brought your hands up to your head. You began clawing at your scalp and gripping your hair, pulling some of it out in the process. You heard the monitor beeping again, but you didn't care. Some tough-looking male nurses ran into the room and pried your arms away from you, holding them down. You writhed on the bed, trying to tear your arms away from their death grips. Another nurse approached you with a needle and you screamed. He plunged it into your arm and injected what could only be a sedative into the sensitive skin. You began to moan, already feeling light-headed.

"Please! Remember... Why can't.... I.... Remember...?" You cried softly and closed your eyes. Once again, darkness consumed you, engulfed you, until there was nothing left.

~Iceland's POV~

I sighed and got up from the waiting bench for what seemed like the hundredth time that week. The girl I had saved still hadn't woken up from her coma, or so I thought. I was just about to leave for the night when one of the nurses, a female, came running up to me. I turned to face her as she approached me gravely.

"Já ? Er það eitthvað sem þú þarft? (Yes? Is there something you need?)" I asked.

"Já, Mr. Steilsson... Veistu hver þessi stelpa er eða að minnsta kosti hver á hana? (Yes, Mr. Steilsson... Do you know who that girl is or at least who owns her?)" She enquired. I shook my head.

"Nei, allt sem ég veit er að hún tók þátt í því flugslysi og að hún var næstum meðvitundarlaus með þeim tíma sem ég fékk henni. (No, all I know is that she was involved in that plane crash and that she was almost unconscious by the time I got to her.)" I replied. She somehow grew even paler at my words.

"Hún hjartarskinn muna neitt... (She doesn't remember anything...)" She finally admitted. My eyes widened.

"...Hvað? (...What?)" I asked in surprise.

"Ekkert. Ekki nafn hennar, ekki hvað gerðist... ekkert. (Nothing. Not her name, not what happened... nothing.)" She explained.

"Þú ert ekki með neina færslur á hana? (You don't have any records on her?)" I asked. I mean, surely they had some information on the poor girl.

"Nei. Hún er útlendingur og allt sem hún hafði á henni var eytt. Á þessum tímapunkti, það mun taka að eilífu að reyna að finna eitthvert þekkt ættingja. (No. She is a foreigner and everything she had on her was destroyed. At this point, it will take forever trying to find any known relatives.)" The nurse explained.

"...Hvað þýðir þetta? (...What does this mean?)" I asked uncertainly.

"Jæja, við getum ekki bara sent hana aftur. Hún er samt slasaður og hún vildi ekki vita hvar á að fara. Við þurfum að finna hana einhvers staðar að vera á meðan hún fær meðferð. Einhversstaðar eftirliti. Þar sem þú fannst hana, og það eru engar kröfur fyrir hana, myndir þú vera haldinn lagalega ábyrgð. (Well, we can't just send her back. She's still injured and she wouldn't know where to go. We need to find her somewhere to stay while she receives therapy. Somewhere supervised. Since you found her, and there are no claims for her, you would be held legally responsible.)" She further explained. My head was spinning.

"Svo, það þýðir að ég verð að líta eftir henni? (So, that means I have to take care of her?)" I asked hesitantly.

"Jæja... já...(Well... yes...)" She replied, looking away. My mouth dropped open slightly. 'What?!' I mentally screamed. I didn't even know the girl! But... I mean... I couldn't just say no. The poor girl might be left to deal with some creep... I mumbled a string of curses in Icelandic and ran my fingers through my hair.

"...Hvar er pappírsvinna? (...Where is the paperwork?)" I asked. The decision was final. That mysterious girl was coming to live with me.

Melting The Ice (Iceland x Depressed! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now