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Melting The Ice (Iceland x Depressed!Reader) 7

After Emil had gotten the British man to calm down, he allowed him to come in, mostly for your sake. You wanted to ask him a few questions about just who exactly you were. You all sat down on the couch and the questions began to spill out of your mouth. Your full name was (f/n) (m/n) (l/n). You were 20 years old. You loved to (hobby) and (hobby). You hated (something you hate) and (something you hate). Your favorite color was (f/c) and you were born on (birthday). The British man's name was Arthur Kirkland and he was like an older brother to you. You could see Emil visibly relax when he heard the word 'brother' and you briefly wondered why. But you still had two questions occupying your thoughts.

"Um, Arthur? I have two more questions" You said, looking away.

"Yes, love?" He asked, giving you the okay you needed.

"Well... It's just that I'm so reserved and distant towards people. It's like my heart is cold. I don't want to get close to anyone and every time I'm touched, I freak out. Why? And I also know that my normal body temperature is lower than others', but I don't know why." You explained. The more you spoke, the more upset Arthur looked.

"...I found you... In an alleyway, freezing to death in the middle of December. You were fourteen years old and your parents had abandoned you a year before that day. You had lived on the streets for a while, but you were naive, and people had manipulated you. After I found you and rushed you to the hospital, something had happened and your medical situation changed. Your body temperature had dropped below the normal expectancy. You should have already been dead by the time I found you and the doctors were surprised. It was a miracle.

"For a year after that, you visited that alleyway annually. Once a month at 8:00 in the morning. I don't know exactly what it was you did, but I have long suspected that you cried, got angry, punched walls... Things like that. I kept telling you to stop going, and at the end of that year, you did. But something changed that day. You told me that you had let everything go. All of those people and memories were released. After that, you gave me fake smiles, fake emotions. You thought I couldn't tell the difference, but I knew how hollow and empty you were. You never got into any relationships and you never made any efforts to make friends. You didn't like anyone getting close to you. You made an exception for me, but you were still distant. You were and still are untouchable. Your heart is frozen solid, and it seems as though no one can melt the ice." Arthur explained to you and looked away sadly. You somehow remembered it, but the memories were distant and foggy and you were still mildly surprised. There were so many things coursing through your mind, but you only had the strength to say one thing.

"Oh... Okay..." You said softly. You caught Emil looking at you with concern and you quickly faked a reassuring smile.

"Liar. Don't give me that stupid fake smile." He mumbled to where only you could hear the words. There was a moment of silence when suddenly, Arthur stood.

"Well, If that's all you need, then I should probably head back to England." He informed. Your eyes widened a bit.

"Wait... I'm not going with you?" You asked, standing up as well.

"No. Not until you finish up the therapy. You're allowed to stay here until it's finished and then you're coming home with me." He stated.

"Oh..." You said. Emil stood after a moment and led Arthur to the door, where Arthur thanked him for saving you and proceeded to walk out of the house and over to his car. You teared up. You wished you were a different person. What was wrong with you? You didn't have friends. You didn't have a love life. No one but Arthur cared about you and he was like your brother. Tears slid down your face and you silently cried.

Emil walked back into the room and you gasped, wiping away the tears before he could see them. He looked at you and his eyes narrowed in suspicion. You smiled.

"W-What's wrong, Emil?" You asked and menatlly slapped yourself for the voice-crack.

"I should be asking you that question, minn allt (my everything)." He said quietly and made his way over to you. You cocked your head at the unfamiliar language use but continued to smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Emil." You said, your voice recovered. You faked a laugh. Suddenly, he gripped your shoulders firmly, making you look at him. He had a stern, serious expression on his face. Your resolve instantly disappeared, melting away until you didn't even realize that it had been there.

"Don't lie to me." He stated firmly. You looked away, your face betraying you with a guilty blush.

"It's okay to cry, you know..." Emil said, his eyes softening and his grip on you relaxing a bit as he scanned your trembling form. You were trying so hard to keep it all together.

"N-No it's not... I don't want you to see me cry again, Emil... I'm perfectly fine..." Your voice cracked again. Why was he making it so hard for you to be distant? Why did he care about you so much? You teared up, trying to push him away and force the tears to disappear, but Emil was ten times stronger than you. 

"You are not fine..." He said. He wrapped his arms around you and no matter how hard you struggled and tried to get away, he wouldn't let go of you. The tears in your eyes were threatening to fall but you were still fighting.

"(Y/n)! Stop holding back... Let it go..." He said, running his fingers through your (h/c) hair in an attempt to reassure you. The tears followed through on their threats and began to slowly roll down your cheeks. You finally gave up, burying your face into his shirt. You began to sob and you wound your arms around him, pulling him closer to you. You felt him tense out of surprise, but he quickly relaxed and soothingly rubbed your back with the hand that wasn't stroking your hair.

"It's okay, minn allt (my everything)..." You heard him whisper into your ear. You felt a strange, warm feeling inside and it made your cheeks glow a soft pink color. Soon enough, you had cried your heart out and were now resting against Emil's torso. It was late and now you were simply exhausted. Emil was still holding you, his eyes closed, his fingers still brushing your silky (h/c) hair. You were too tired to protest, or to even pull away, and Emil seemed to be pretty out of it too. You fought with sleep, trying to elude it, but it soon consumed you and you let your mind wander off into dreams about this mysterious man, holding you tightly and protectively in his arms.

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