Frozen Love

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Melting The Ice (Iceland x Depressed!Reader) 9

You immediately wrapped your arms around yourself as you pushed furthur and furthur into the icy winds. The tears that had previously been rolling down your cheeks stung as they froze. You knew your decision was reckless, but you couldn't help yourself. There was no life for you without Emil. You loved him that much. You knew of no other person who made you feel the way he did and you knew that Arthur was going to force you to go back to England with him. You didn't want to go. You kept picturing the hurt look on Emil's face. You thought that you didn't deserve to live. You wanted that look to fade in your mind, but it didn't. You sank to your knees in the deadly, alluring, thick, snow. The hurt look in Emil's blue eyes consumed your mind and lingered long after you had passed out.

~Emil's POV~

I had run out into the snow right after (y/n), but I couldn't see anything. The snow was blinding and strong. Why did she do that? Why did she get so upset? Shouldn't she be happy? She'd be going to live with Arthur after all. I should be the one suffering. I hated the very idea of her leaving. I had come to really love her and I didn't want her to leave. The way she nodded when I told her, it was like she didn't care. I was a little hurt, but I was also sure it was nothing. If I could just find her and bring her back, alive and safe in my arms, I would be the happiest man alive.

I pushed against the bitterly cold wind for what seemed like hours. I finally saw the shadow of something laying on the snowy ground. 'God... No...' I thought. I ran towards it and found it to be (y/n), unconscious and covered partially by thick snow. 'No... No... No... Please! God, no!' At this point I was panicking. I quickly slid my jacket off of my shoulders and wrapped it around her, ignoring the violent bite of the freezing wind. I picked her up and held her cold body close to mine. 'Please... Don't let her die.... Please...' I thought as I trudged back towards my house. The minute I got inside, I lit the fire and laid her in front of it, piling all the blankets I could find on top of her. I hesitated before taking my shirt off and slipping beneath the blankets next to (y/n). 'How in the world am I going to explain this...?' I thought warily, holding her freezing body close to mine. I studied her for a while and blushed. I ran my fingers through (y/n)'s silky (h/c) hair. My fingers then trailed to her cheek and then to her jawline. 'She's so beautiful...' I thought and let my eyes slide closed, letting that be the last thing I thought before I drifted off next to my love.

~Reader's POV~

You woke up and found yourself to be unusually warm. Your head was hurting a bit fom trying to sit up right after waking up, so you laid your head back down for a couple more seconds, trying to take it easy. Until you finally realized that Emil was holding you in his strong arms. With no shirt on. You blushed intensely.

"E-E-E-Emil!!!" You stuttered out and his blue eyes fluttered open. He finally seemed to realize what he was doing and pulled away from you, blushing a bit.

"Oh, sorry..." He said.

"W-Why w-were you d-d-doing that?" You asked, still blushing and thoroughly embarrassed.

"Oh... Well... I had to get you warm really fast, so I decided to use my body heat..." He said. His cheeks were bright red. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I-I'm really sorry..." He apologized and looked away.

"N-No... I.... I don't mind... I was just a little surprised..." You said, blushing. He looked so cute embarrassed, but you looked away before you could be caught staring. You tried to focus your thoughts on something else. He saved you. Why had he saved you? You had hurt him... 

"I... Emil... I'm so sorry..." You said, wrapping your rams around his bare, pale torso.

"What? Why?" Emil asked, shivering a bit from the unexpected touch.

"When you told me that my therapy was going to end... I don't know... I was just so confused. I'm starting to open up a bit to Arthur, but... Emil, I don't want to leave you either..." You said. You blushed, embarrassed. You were a bit afraid of his response, but you held your ground. You began to tear up. You really didn't want to leave him. He pulled away from your embrace to brush his thumb against your cheek.

"Hey, (y/n)... Please don't cry... I don't want to leave you either... In fact, I have something I've wanted to tell you for a while now..." He said and then he blushed, looking away. You felt butterflies in your stomach. 'What is he going to ask me? Could he be...? No... It's impossible!' You thought, mentally freaking out.

"(Y/n)... I.... I love you... Ég elska þig... (I love you...)" He whispered them softly, those words you had wanted to hear for such a long time. Your eyes widened. 'He... He just told me...' You mentally struggled forming the thought. You began to cry, but you were smiling. Tears of happiness flowed freely down your cheeks.

"R-Really?" You asked. Emil seemed surprised and a little confused, but he boldly nodded.

"Really." He replied. You laughed in happiness and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Thank God! I'm so happy! I love you too, Emil." You said, gently laying your head on his bare chest. He wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace and then pulled back.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this..." Emil said, trailing off.

"Do wh-" You started to ask, but Emil cut you off by placing a warm, gentle kiss on your lips. Your eyes widened and you blushed, but you soon melted into the kiss. Your hands tangled into his straight, dirty-blonde hair and his fingers trailed from your jawline to your neck. The kiss was amazing and filled with your love for each other. All too soon, the need for air became too great and you both pulled away, panting a bit.

"I love you so much, falleg allt mitt (my beautiful everything)~" Emil whispered, smiling lovingly down at you, his blue eyes gazing into your (e/c) ones.

"Can you tell me what that means now?" You asked teasingly. He grinned.

"It means 'my beautiful everything'~" He said and you blushed, knowing that he had been calling you that for a while.

"Dang it! You... Ugh! I can't believe..." You mumbled, crossing your arms and pouting.

"Heh~ What's wrong~?" He asked you playfully. You gave him a long stare. You both knew what happened next. He started running.

"Come back here right now!"


Mathias and Lukas peered through the window of Emil's house.

"Haha! What did I tell you?! I totally knew that they would get together!!!" Mathias yelled.

"Shut it, stupid Dane. They'll hear you." Lukas replied emotionlessly.

"YEAH!!! GET SOME EMIL!!!" Mathias yelled yet again, even louder. The couple inside stopped chasing each other and looked outside the window to see Lukas choking Mathias with his own tie.

"I thought I told you to shut it. Now they've seen us." He said. Emil ran outside after the retreating Norwegian who had the Dane strangling in his tie. Lukas was dragging Mathias away from the house.


*The End!*

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