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Scotty's POV:
After making sure Y/n made it home, I sprinted my way to Benny's house. When I got there I knocked a couple of times and waited for an answer. A couple minutes passed and I knocked again, this time Benny opened the door with a sullen face.

"Hey," I said.

He didn't say anything. He just sighed and headed to his room. I closed the door behind me and followed. I then stood in the middle of his room as he lay on his bed, repeatedly tossing up a baseball.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine," He replied.

"You don't seem like it," I stated.

"Oh yeah? How so?" He was unamused, but I answered anyway.

"Well for starters, you haven't been playing your best. You're still great, don't get me wrong, you're just...off. You don't tell everyone to play a couple more rounds when they say they are tired and you don't stay later than everyone else and well...you have been kinda a jerk to Y/n."

In an instant he sat up and faced me, "Listen. I don't need you to come here and tell me that I'm not on my A game. Don't you think I know that?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"But why?" I questioned, "What's throwing you off?"

"I don't know ok?" Benny stood up, "Ever since Y/n got here I just haven't been able to focus."

"What does Y/n have to do with anything?"

"I don't know. It's like...every time she comes around I just can't focus. It throws me off the game," Benny started pacing back and forth.

"You can't focus?"

"Yes and it's so frustrating," Benny sighed.

"Well I'm sure-"

"You know what else is frustrating?"Benny cut me off and began to ramble, "Every time me and Y/n make eye contact there's this weird fuzzy feeling in my stomach that I can't get rid of. When she gets close to me, my face gets really hot, which I don't like, and when the guys talk to her, specifically Ham and Yeah-Yeah, I get a different feeling in my stomach. Like an angry feel. And then every time she smiles or swings a bat or anything, my heart like stops for a second. And then-"

"Benny!" I yell.

"What?" He stops pacing and faces me.
I stare at him for a moment, before snickering. I can't believe this idiot.

"Why are you laughing?" Benny sounded like he was getting mad again.

I cleared my throat, "Sorry, it's just...it kinda sounds like you like her," I smile.

"What?" His eyes widened, "I just met her. I don't like her."

"Are you sure?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes I'm sure," He stared at me.

"Well it sounds like your experiencing some butterflies, jealousy, and overall you're just attracted to her."

Benny stood silently for a moment, thinking, before sitting down on the ground against his bed, "Oh my gosh. I do like her."

I sat down next to him, "Told you."

When sat in silence for a moment as he looked at the ball in his hand, "But what do I do? I've never liked a girl like this before. I never gotten these feelings before and I definitely never been able to not focus on baseball."

"Well first of all, baseball can not be the only thing your life revolves around. It's good to focus on other things. So it's good you have a little crush on Y/n," I patted his shoulder.

He looked at me, "What do I do though? I've been such a jerk to her to. She'll never like me."

"Well apologize first. Then get to know her. And don't yell at her because you don't like those fuzzy feelings," I said, "You don't need to rush into anything either. We all still need to get to know her better and then maybe later if you still have feelings, you can tell her."

"Ok. I think that sounds good," Benny stood up and I copied, "Thanks man. I'll see you tomorrow?" He patted my back.

"Yep. I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I began making my way out.

"Hey," Benny called and I turned, "Will you convince Y/n to come?"

I nodded, "I'll try. Night Benny."


I made my way home not believing what Benny had just admitted. He truly has not liked a girl because he has been so focused on baseball, so I assumed he was overwhelmed with emotions. I also figured that he was being rude to her as a way to hide or get rid of his feelings, but either way, I hope he figures out how to talk to her properly, because I'm having to figure out how to convince Y/n to hangout with us tomorrow.

Y'all get it now? Benny's got a little crush on Y/n 👀 Now we just wait until he admits it.

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