Part 1

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A normal day at my house, I stood up and sighed. "Natsu?" I called my brother while walking around the house, "Yeah?" I heard his voice from the kitchen and I entered. "Where have you been?" I asked and he continued scrolling through his phone while he answered, "Uh.. No where." It sounded like a lie so I just stared at him so he could tell me but our little brother, Shoto spoke. "He went to hangout with his friends, without any permission." He said and Natsuo looked at him. "That's a lie.." Natsuo said and I rolled my eyes, "Hmkay.." I sat in front of Natsuo and scrolled through my phone also. Then someone entered, it was our Old Guy. "Y/n, Shoto. Time to train." He said as I stood up and head to my room, so as Shoto.

Hi, I'm Todoroki Y/n. I prefer you to call me Y/n, I have 4 siblings. I have 3 older siblings and one younger one. I have a lot of hobbies especially roller skating and playing instruments, my Quirk is "Cold & Hot Fire" I have blue fire and red fire, my blue fire is a cold one, my red fire is the hot one. Our mother is at the hospital, sick and my eldest sibling, Touya has gone missing for years. In short my family is a mess, and that's all because of our Father..

"You should atleast show me some respect!" He shouted as I got angry and locked myself in my room, "Respect my ass. Tch!" I lay on my bed and played my guitar. I started singing when suddenly my phone vibrated, I opened it and saw a message from my friend Denki.

📩Denki: Hey Y/n! Wanna hangout?
📩Y/n: Sorry, in a bad mood right now
📩Denki: Oh, well. I know something that will help you
📩Y/n: K, meet me at the nearest cafe at your house
📩Denki: Kay Kay! :D

I grabbed my phone and wallet then left my room, I head to the door and saw my Father crossing his hands and starring down at me. "Where are you going?" He asked coldly as I continued walking, "None of your business." I said and walked past him. I walked at the gate and closed it, I head to the nearest cafe at Denki's house and saw him waiting. "Denks, I'm here." I said and he ruffled my hair, "What's that for?!" I asked and he chuckled. "To calm you down, what else? Anyways, you want to go roller skating? I brought mine." He said and showed me his skates, "Yeah, let's go. I'm getting mine." I said and he stopped, "Y-Y/n.. You know that your Father hates me." He said as I looked at him, "You know that I can talk back at him? I'll protect you. Don't worry." I said and he went back to his mood, he pulled me towards my house and we head inside.

When we head inside, Fuyumi gave me my skates. Me and Denki were confused, "Don't forget to bring your knee and elbow pads! And here's your water!" She said and I stopped her. "Hold on, why are you acting like this? And how did you know that I'm gonna get my skates?" I asked and she chuckled, "Cause you always come back home to get your skates when you hangout with Kaminari. Anyways, take care you two!" She said as we bid goodbye. Me and Denki wore our skates and started skating, we were at the streets and it's so peaceful. "I forgot, Y/n. Why do you always have an angry and cold look on your face? You just turn calm when everything is normal, sometimes.." He said and I looked at the sky, "Yeah, I never got the time to tell you.. It's because of the problems Me and my family is facing. Especially our older brother is still missing and our mother is at the hospital." I said and we head inside an convinience store.

We brought some drinks and paid for it, we continued skating and saw Shoto skating too. His hand on his pocket and his head looking down, he was skating slow. "Hey, what's wrong with your brother?" Denki asked as I looked at him worriedly, "The two of us was in a bad mood earlier, and.. I just felt bad that I didn't include him to skate with us.." I said as Denki used a little bit of his Quirk on me. "Ouch! Can you stop using your Quirk on me?!" I said and he chuckled. "Then ask him. I'll wait here." He said as I thanked him, I skate towards Shoto and grabbed his hands from his pocket, I started to spin and so is he. "Aren't you hanging out with your friend?" He asked as I pulled him towards Denki, "Yeah, the three of us should skate together." I said and he agreed, the three of us had fun when we passed by an hospital, we saw our Mother looking at the city while her head is out on the window.

I looked away and a tear escaped my eye, I skated away in full speed. "Y/n! Wait! You're gonna fall!" Denki shouted as I ignored it, 'Why? Why do I act like this when I see or remember Mom?' I thought and I bumped into someone and tripped. "Ouch!" I said and saw a hand in front of me, I looked up and saw a blonde boy with red eyes. He has a cold look, I accepted his help. "Sorry I bumped into you.. I was just avoiding something." I said and he spoke, "Yeah no it's fine. If you'll skate just go on normal speed." He said as I thanked him, he walked away and the next thing I knew is that my heart felt something different.

To Be Continued..

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