Part 5

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It's friday today, me and my class will be training at USJ. Right now, we're dressed into our hero costumes, "So Y/n! Why are you so cold eversince the first day?" Mina asked, "I don't want to talk about it." I said and hesd inside the bus, she sat next to me and I scrolled through my phone. 'I wonder how Yumi and Natsu are right now..' I thought and typed their number, I was about to call but I closed my phone. 'It's better if I come home later and ask them.' While looking outside the window, my left cheek resting at my palms while my arm is laying at the window. Then my phone buzz, I opened it and my Father messaged, I opened it.

📩Endeavor/Enji Todoroki: Do good

I closed my phone and continued looking outside, thinking about how my future would look like. Me saving people and being the number 1 hero while my lover and kids cheering for me. I was standing at the stage while people and my family cheer for me.
I came back to reality when Mina poked my shoulders, I looked at her confused. "Uh, you were smiling.. So I came to check on you." She said as I realized it, 'Oh my, I was day dreaming..' I thought as I looked back at the window. After 30 minutes, we arrived at USJ, I stood up and left the bus. Shoto stood next to me as we head inside, we saw Thirteen waiting. "Good Morning Class 1-A! I'm Thirteen, some of you don't know me yet. For today, we'll be training all this zones every friday, one each friday. So, let's start!" She said joyfully as I noticed a purple circle portal-like in the middle of USJ. 'Villains?' I thought as I was looking at it, then people started coming out of it. "Thirteen, protect the kids!" Mr. Aizawa shouted and jumped down the stairs, "Thirteen, what are those?" Kirishima asked as I wanted to attack. "You can't." A voice said behind me, I looked who it was and it's just Shoto. "Those are villains, just stay here. It's for your own good." Thirteen said as I formed a fist.

Then a purple mist covered me and my classmates, including Thirteen. My body won't move and then, the last thing I knew is I fell. I was inside a building, all alone. Then I saw villains, they were about to attack me as I dodged it. "You really have great reflexes kid." A villain said as I looked at them, 'I have to escape, but there's so many of them.' I thought when someone was about to attack me from behind. I covered my back with fire and it avoided it, "You look so familiar." A villain said as I looked at her, "You're one of Endeavor's daughter, am I right? What a traumarizing yet disgusting family. Your brother Touya went missing, your mother is now at the hospital, your brother Natsuo could not forgive your father, your brother Shoto wants to reject your father's power, same goes to you. But, your sister Fuyumi wants the family back to normal, what a trash fam." She said as I got mad, I attacked her, "One more word about my family, I will not hesitate to kill you!" I shouted. I don't know what has gotten into me, I attacked her, 'I'm worried about my family but not my Father, he is the reason why our family turned this way.' I thought as I attacked all of the villains with my Quirk. "I wonder what your hot fire looks." She asked again as I threw her out of the building, the glass broke as I threw her. "Any of you would talk about my family?" I asked as they attacked, I covered my surroundings with my fire and they all started burning. 'Where's Shoto?' I thought and shouted his name, but I saw villains finding my voice. I entered an building and hide, but I saw a villain, I attacked it with no hesitation and went to the top floor.

I checked each room just in case shoto is here, 'So I'm at the Ruins Zone. Am I the only one here? The purple mist seperated us..' I thought as I heard an explosion, 'Bakugo?' I ran to where it came from and I peeked inside the room, I saw him fighting villains with Kirishima. "Oh man! That was lit!" Kirishima shouted happily as Bakugo just rubbed off some dirt on his arms, "So, if we're only here at the Ruins Zone, then the others should be in different zones." Kirishima said as I heard loud voices from behind me, "We should leave, these villains will not be able to find us now." Bakugo said as I saw multiple villains running towards me, I used my cold fire at them and they froze, "Man this are so cold!" A villain shouted as Kirishima and Bakugo left the room, "So you're here too, huh." Bakugo said to me.

"Have you seen my brother?" I asked, "No, maybe he's in a different zone." Kirishima said as I nodded, "We should leave now, we don't want villains attacking again." The two of them said as we left the building, we are finding the exit but villains spotted us. The three of us started running away, we reached the exit and I helped Kirishima block it with a gigantic rock. "Where should we go now? Bsck to Thirteen?" Kirishima asked, "You two think on what you'll do, I'm helping Mr. Aizawa." I said and ran away, "Is she crazy?!" I heard Kirishima shouted before I ran. While running, I was looking around hoping that I'll bump into Shoto. I'm so madly worried, once I saw Mr. Aizawa, I attacked some villains to help him. "Y/n, go away. It's not safe!" He said as I refused to leave, "I'll help." I said and saw Midoriya, Mineta, and Asui swimming at the flood zone. Then someone pushed me at the flood zone, it was Mr. Aizawa.

The giant villain stepped on him and crushed his arm, I was shocked and the hand guy ran towards Asui, he was about to touch her but I kicked him and he ended up touching my legs, blood dripped and I screamed in pain. My skin was cracked, I used my cold fire at him and he backed away. "Y/n!" Midoriya shouted as I stood up and death glared the hand guy, "How can you still stand up?!" He said as I stared coldly straight at his eye that is almost covered with the hand on his face. "This is a simple scratch." I said and I attacked him, he kept on dodging my attacks, then I saw Mr. Aizawa unconscious, the giant villain stated running towards me as I used my Quirk. Until I realized that I used the hot one also. 'No time to react, I have to save Mr. Aizawa.' I thought and jumped back. "So, you decided to use your hot fire." The hand guy said as I got angry and attacked him. Then something exploded at the entrance of USJ, revealing All Might and the other teachers. Present Mic shouted that caused the hand guy and the giant villain cover their ears. I carried Mr. Aizawa and looked at Midoriya, "Let's go!" I shouted and ran towards the entrance, All Might jumped infront of the villains as I was shocked when I saw Thirteen, her back was vanishing. I ran back to the villains to help All Might, then I tripped. The injury on my leg is starting to hurt, I ignored it and punched the hand guy.

"You again?!" He said as I kept on punching him, I got rid of him and he was bleeding because of my punches. After a few minutes I heard an explosion behind me, I saw Bakugo protected me from the warp guy. "You should be looking behind you, dumbass!" He shouted as I also saw Kirishima and Deku with Shoto, I ran towards Shoto. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked as he nodded sideways, I saw the giant villlain was frozen and Bakugo holding down the warp guy. Then I heard ice cracking, it was the giant villain, "I froze him with a lot of ice, he still managed to escape?" Shoto said as I saw the hand guy moved, I kicked him straight at the face and he touched my elbow. I held the pain and burned him with my Quirk, "Urgh!" He shouted as I looked at him deadly.

"Heh, you are messing up with the top 2nd at our class hand guy shit." Bakugo said as I felt myself burning a little, then I felt a strong wind behind me, it was the giant villain. It attacked All Might as I punched it and burn the brain in his nose. It shouted loud as Kirishima grabbed me, All Might punched it really fast but it looked at me. I was looking back at it then it rushed at me, but someone carried me bridal style. I look at the person who carried me and it was, Bakugo. He put me down as All Might punched the Nomu and it went straight at the ceiling, all of us are shocked, but my vision blurred and I fell at the floor. "Y/n, are you ok?" Midoriya asked as I nodded, then everything turns black.

To Be Continued..

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