Part 2

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A few months passed and the Entrance Exam of the hero school I'll enroll is gonna start by next week Friday. Right now I'm at the backyard of our house training my Quirk with Shoto, "So. Are you really ok studying at Shiketsu?" He asked as I answered, "Not yet.. I'm not sure if he will approve." I said and stopped, I drank some water when someone opened the door. It was Fuyumi and Natsuo, "Hey, lunch is ready.. You two should rest." Fuyumi said as I sat at the wooden floor next to the door. "But we have to train more, Entrance Exam is coming." Shoto said as I lay on the floor, "What's for lunch?" I asked, "Normal japanese meal." Natsuo said as I rubbed my sweats away.

"You two have a shower." Fuyumi said and left with Natsuo, Me and Shoto head to our room and took a shower. I dried my hair and head to the hall, I walked past our Old Guy's room and saw him starring at Touya's picture. I walked away and head inside the dining room, I saw Fuyumi and Natsuo sitting, I sat at my seat and we waited for Shoto. "So, are you sure that you'll not study with Shoto?" They both asked me, "I'm still not sure.. Why are you asking me this?" I asked back. "Cause, what if Shoto will be in so much trouble? He has no one on his side." Natsuo said as someone spoke, "Stop it, I can handle myself. I don't want to ruin Y/n's dream just because of the trouble I caused." He said and sat down. "Itadakimasu!" The four of us said and ate, while eating the door of the dining room opened, revealing our Dad.

"Hey Dad! Come join us!" Fuyumi said as he sat at the middle seat, which is next to me. I just ate quietly while awkward silence surrounded us. "So, Dad. You going to work?" Fuyumi asked, "Yes. And Y/n." He looked at me, "What?" I asked coldly while eating. "Are you sure about the school you'll enroll?" He asked as I sighed, "I'm not sure, if you want me to study with Shoto then it's fine. Just don't ask me this stupid question again." I said and finished my food, I left the dining room and head to the kitchen, I washed my dish and head to my room. I locked myself and let myself fell on my bed, I sighed and faced the ceiling. 'Why does life has to be this hard?' I asked myself and covered my face with my pillow.

-Later That Day: 8:30 PM-

I'm just laying in bed while staring at my window, stars shining and the moonlight covering my whole room. I just stared at the stars when someone knocked on my door, I opened it and saw Shoto. "Can I talk to you?" He asked with the sadest tone I've ever heard, I was worried so I agreed and let him in, I closed my door and he sat at my bed. "What's wrong? And what's with the sad tone?" I asked as he looked down and said, "I'm sorry, I ruined your dream.." I was confused and sat next to him, "What dream?" I asked, "You, enrolling at Shiketsu to become the hero you want to." He said and a tear streamed down his eyes. "Sho, you didn't. Ok? And, it's also my responsibility to watch over you. I promised M-Mom that I'll protect you, Natsu, Fuyumi, and Touya." I said and ruffled his hair, "But.. Why didn't you protect Touya from our evil Father?" He asked as I stopped ruffling his hair. "Because.. That time, I was in pain too.. The day before Touya left and went missing, I tried saving him from our Father. But, I couldn't cause of the heavy pain on my heart. I was planning on leaving the next day but when I found out he left and was missing, I couldn't help myself but to stay and continue the promises I promised with our M-Mom." I said and grabbed my phone.

"You did that? But, isn't that Fuyumi Nii-san's job? To protect You, Me, and Natsu? Cause she's the second child?" He asked, "She told me that she was scared, even Natsu. That's why. And look at the time, it's almost 9. I have to sleep! Bye!" I said and he stood up and was about to leave my room but he grabbed my hand and did Touya's secret handshake with me, "Just to cheer you up." He said and left, he closed my door and I was confused. I lay on my bed and stared at the moon, 'I hope everything in our family will be normal.' I said and slept

-UA Entrance Exam-

Me and Shoto are now taking our Exam, we were late for 5 days, so today they're just testing our speed and skills. We're now at a big spaced room and we saw EraserHead and Midnight. "So, Y/n Todoroki. You'll be fighting Midnight and Shoto Todorki, you'll be fighting EraserHead! Good Luck!" Present Mic shouted as EraserHead and Midnight prepared theirselves, I went into position and started thinking, 'Maybe, I should use my hot flame.. I have to pass the exam.' I thought and it started, Midnight attacked and I avoided it, I burned her long whip and pushed her with my feet. I saw that Shoto was having a hard time. I want to help him but it's against the rules, then I saw a pink smoke, I didn't breathe in as I pushed Midnight and surrounded her with both my flames. After a few minutes of not breathing, the time ended.

We thanked them and they welcomed us, we bowed at each other and the Exam is finished. Me and Shoto changed into our normal clothes and went back home. "Hey! Welcome back! How did it go?" Fuyumi asked with her joyful tone as always, "It's fine, kinda tiring tho." I said and lay on the sofa, "Well, the energy you wasted is worth it. You two will surely pass!" Fuyumi said and I recieved a text from Denki.

📩Denki: Hey! How did you do to the exam?
📩Y/n: Don't know, I'm just gonna rest for the whole day to restore my energy
📩Denki: Kay, I'm not disturbing you. Bye!
📩Y/n: Bye

I put my phone on my pocket, "I'll go shower and sleep to restore my energy." I said and head to my room, I closed my door and took a shower. I dried my hair and slept.

I woke and found myself skating while holding someone else's hand. I looked at the person and it's a blonde boy, he is so familiar by his blonde hair and red eyes. Then, I saw a car in front of us. And white flashes.

I woke up at my bedroom, I was breathing heavily for no reason. 'The fuck is that?!' I thought and looked at the clock, it's almost dinner. I head out of my room and ruffled my hair, "Gosh, that dream is so anonymous." I said and then. "What dream?" Shoto spoke behind me as I flinched, "Sho! Can you stop scaring me or popping out of no where?! It scares me." I said and head to the kitchen and saw Fuyumi cooking. "Hey Y/n! How's your sleep? You were having a long long sleep." She said as I looked at the window, "It's fine, just had an anonymous dream that I've never want to happen anymore." I said and stood next to the window, I stared at the sun that is already setting.

"Oh? Tell me about it. I'm interested." She said as I told her everything, "That wasn't anonymous." She said while putting the food on the dish. "It is anonymous to me, it felt really different when I saw the boy who I was holding hands with." I said and the sun light covered the whole room. 'Who is he even tho?' I asked myself and sighed.

To Be Continued..

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