Part 7

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2 weeks passed and next week monday will be the UA Sports Festival, I'm now at the hallway looking for Nejire's classroom. I wanted to ask her how she can fly with her Quirk so long, cause I can only fly with my Quirk about 5 to 10 minutes. While walking I saw her classroom, I knocked and someone opened it, "May I help you 1st Year?" She asked as I asked for Nejire-san. She told me that she's in the library with Amajiki and Mirio, I thanked her and walked to the library, I've been so close to Mirio, Nejire, and Amajiki. They were fun to be with, I arrive at the library and head inside, I looked around and saw her, "Oh? Y/n, come here!" Mirio said as I walked to them. "So, what brings you here?" Nejire asked, "Uh.. I was actually gonna ask you to teach me how to fly with your Quirk, I'm having trouble with mine." I said, "Oh my! I'm actually free, let's go! I'm so excited to teach you!" She shouted happily as the Library Staff looked at us deathly. The four of us apologized and left the library.

"First! You have to change into your PE Uniform, and when will the training end? Cause I have the whole day." She said, "Mr. Aizawa gave us a whole day training." I said. "Oh! Then I'll train you the whole day!" She shouted excitedly, Me, Mirio, and Amajiki chuckled and I head to the changing room to change into my PE Uniform, then I saw the girls. "Y/n! Where have you been?! You're late for 10 minutes!" Hagakure said, "What?" I asked. "Just, hurry up and change into your PE Uniform!" Mina shouted as I rushed, it sounded like an emergency. We rush to the classroom and sat at our seats, I was confused. 'What's happening?' I thought as Mr. Aizawa entered the classroom, he's still covered with bandages. "So, I forgot to announce earlier. Someone will be helping you train your Quirk, so head to the Gym Gamma and wait for them." He said as we all replied, "Yes sir!"

We walked to the Gym Gamma and head inside, we stood up and I started wondering who will help us today. 'Oh no, Nejire is waiting..' I thought and someone entered, it was Amajiki, Nejire, and Mirio. "Nejire, sorry I kept you waiting. Mr. Aizawa announced that someone will be helping us." I said and she laughed silently, "Don't worry. We're gonna be the ones training you, Mr. Aizawa just said it." She said as I stopped, "You know them Y/n?" My classmates asked as I nodded. "So, Class A. I'll be the main teacher for today and I want to know your names and Quirks too. Show your Quirks in action while fighting me, including you Y/n-san." Mirio said as I agreed, first was Aoyama. He fought Mirio and lost, until it reached me, 'Man, it will be so awkward fighting him. But it will be fair to the others, plus he still didn't see my Quirk in action.' I thought and breathed, I prepared myself and he looked at me. "I think this will be the longest fight." Nejire whispered to Amajiki, I stared at Mirio's eyes and he's scary when serious but still has a sunshine face.

Then I was shocked when I blinked he disappeared, then I kicked him from behind. "What?!" Everyone was shocked including Nejire and Amajiki, then I heard Midnight and Present Mic's voice. The teachers are here and were shocked, and even Class B. I froze and Mirio punched me at the stomach, I fell at the floor and he smiled at me. Then I attacked him with my cold fire, it went through him as I saw him run on top of me. I used my cold fire again and kicked him as he fell at the floor. "Wahh!!! So cool! Aizawa I'm adopting her!" Midnight said as I blushed, "Mirio, are you ok?" I asked as he nodded, "I'm fine, and I'm shocked cause no one ever hit me like that before while in combat training." He said as he stood up, I stood next to Nejire and she started patting my head. "Oh my gosh! My sissy is doing a great job, huh!" She said as Shoto looked so confused, I tried hiding my laughter as it was Bakugo's turn to battle Mirio.

-After Combat with Mirio-

"Man, Class A is powerful I'll give you guyd that!." Mirio said as the teachers and Class B left a few minutes ago. "So, what are you teaching us today Top 1 shit?!" Bakugo said, "Well, that's all. All of you gave your best to me, so. Bye." He said and waved, he left as I looked so confused. "So Y/n, should I teach you my trick?" Nejire asked as I nodded, "Y/n.. I'll see you at lunch." Shoto said, "Ok." I said and the others left, Me and Nejire started training.

-Friday 3:00 PM-

Class finished and I packed my things, "Oh my gosh! I can't wait!! After all the Quirk training and body workouts! We will finally battle the other class!" Hagakure and Mina shouted happily, then I noticed Ochaco. "Iida, Deku." She said with a fierce voice, Midoriya and Iida looked at her, "Let's do our best at the sports festival." She said with a fierce voice again. "Uraraka? What happened to your face?" Midoriya asked as Mina popped out, "Seriously, eversince you heard that the festival is happening you've been like this." She said, "I'm just ready to do my best." Uraraka said as she walked to the door and opened it but she stopped when students are at the door. "What the heck?!" She shouted, then Mineta spoke. "They're crowding the exit! What are they here for?" He said as Bakugo spoke, "They're scoping out thr competition, retard. They're checking us out before the big battle, and they wanna see the gang who came through the villain ambush. It's pointless to try, so why don't you just fucl off, extras." He said.

"Don't call people like thst just because you don't know them!" Iida shouted as I stood up and grabbed my bag, then someone spoke from the crowd. "Are all the kids in the hero course like this? I came to see what you kids are made of, true, but I didn't think you'd be this arrogant. There's a lot of kids who wind up in the general studies or other courses because they failed the hero course. Did you know that?" A guy said with purple hair and sleepy eyes. Both him and Bakugo stared at each other as Shoto stood up and head out of the classroom, I did as well while they are fighting. I don't want to get involved tho.

-Sports Festival: Monday 7:30 AM-

I'm now at the waiting room with the others, we're dressed into our PE Uniforms. I sat next to Yaoyorozu and Jiro, "So, are you ready Y/n?" Jiro asked, "More than ready. How about the two of you?" I asked them as they said they were nervous, I comforted them a bit to cheer them up, and little did they know. I'm nervous too. 'Oh man, shivers is starting again.' I thought as I heard Mirio's voice.

"𝓘𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓪 𝓭𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓲𝔃𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰."

I took a deep breathe and visualized myself, 'I'm not letting Mirio, Amajiki, and Nejire down. They helped me and the least that I can do is win for them. See it and be it. Simple.' I thought and someone spoke, it was Shoto. "Midoriya." He said and walked in front of him, "What is it, Todoroki?" Midoriya asked as everyone in the waiting looked at them, "On an objective basis, I think I'm above you in terms of practical strength. You've managed to get All Might's eyes on you, right? I feel no need to pry into that, but.. I'm going to beat you?" Shoto said, "Man, what's with this declaration of war from the strongest kid in the class lately?" Denki said, "Hey, what's with the attitude all of a sudden? Don't spring this on him right before-" Kirishima's words cut off when Shoto said. "I'm not here to make friends." He said as I sighed.

I stood up and put my hands on Shoto's head, I turned him around and place him to a chair. "Don't cause some trouble before the festival starts, ok? I might get in trouble if Fuyumi finds out." I said and sat back to my chair, "She is the only one who can settle him down like that, huh." I heard Mina said as Iida spoke. "All right everyone! Time to go out!" He said as we all head out and walked to the entry, "I wonder how many people are there." Mina said as Present Mic called our class, we walked inside as the audience cheered for us. Then I spotted my Father, he look so mad, 'Yeah, Shoto is right.' I thought and we walked to an red square in the middle. Then Midnight spoke, she said all the rules and the first event of the festival started. Obstacle Race. 'Wish myself luck.' I thought as it started.

To Be Continued..

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