Part 18

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3 weeks past and class was resumed this morning, Shoto and I are now walking at the hallway heading to our classroom. I was looking down the whole time, for the past 3 weeks I didn't talked to Bakugo, I started thinking that he hate me now. "Hey, we're here now." Shoto said as I head inside, I was relieved that Bakugo is still not here, I sat at my seat and put my bag under my desk. 'I have to tell him about what happened, since he knows now I will tell him how truly I feel towards him.. I don't care if it doesn't work, I will do it. I hope so..' I thought and someone entered, it was Bakugo. I quickly looked away and he sat at his seat, 'I can do it..' Then Mr. Aizawa entered.

"Good morning class, for today your summer break is still not finished. So, go home and enjoy the rest of your break. Class dismissed." He said and left, 'That's it?' I thought as the others started packing, I grabbed my bag and pulled out my phone from my pocket. I texted Shoto that he should go home first since I'm talking to Bakugo, he replied with a thumbs up and left. When I closed my bag, the others already left, I looked around the classroom and it's only Me and Bakugo. "Bakugo. Can we talk?" I asked as he looked at me, his hands on his pockets.

"What? I don't have much time." He said, "3 weeks ago.. About the call.. It's actually my brother who answered it, I was planning on hiding it but it was spilled so.. Everything I said that day was true, I liked you-" Then I stopped talking when he said, "I'm not interested in love, so why are you confessing to me?" He asked as I looked down and said the real reason why I liked him. "Cause I don't want to hold my feelings back! I've held unto it for so long.. I just want you to appreciate all the efforts I did just to make you happy when you're on your darkest times. All the efforts I did to make you like or see me as a friend." I said as he turned his back at me, "And you know that it will never happen." He said and walked out, "I'm still hoping.." I whispered and a tear escaped my eye.

I left the classroom and saw Shoto waiting, "I couldn't help but wait.." He said and I quickly wiped my tear, "Let's go home." I said and held his wrist, we walked home and I head straight to my room, I changed into a hoodie and sweatpants. I wear the hood and hugged my pillow, 'Everything's fine. I told myself that I will do it.' Then someone entered. "Hey, Shoto told Me and Natsu that you were sad, so I came to talk to you.." Fuyumi said and she sat at my bed, "I told Bakugo how I felt and the real reason why I like him. It turns out that he isn't interested in love so that only mean one thing.. He doesn't like me.. He look so mad." I said as she held my head.

"It will be alright. And I have some good news. Since Natsu and I are on our summer break as well. Dad told Shoto that he is going to represent him in I-island, so Shoto decided to bring the three of us with him." She said, "Really? When?" I asked. "Uh, tomorrow. You should pack now, we'll be there in 4 days." She said and left my room, I packed my things, good for 4 days.

-The Next Day-

Me and my siblings are now in the airport, we head inside, Fuyumi and I are just enjoying our coffee while laughing. The four of ud are waiting for our flight, while we walk around, I saw Kirishima, I was about to talk to him but I saw Bakugo with him. I quickly walked back to Fuyumi and looked down, "Come on. Enjoy! Our flight will be in a few minutes now, let's go!" Fuyumi said as she pulled me to where they check our bags. I chuckled and we saw the plane, we started walking there and I saw Bakugo and Kirishima head inside the plane. I sighed and I looked at my seat number, I head inside the plane and I walked towards my seat, I put my bag on the cabinet above and sat down on my seat which is next to the window. Natsuo sat beside me.

Then I saw that Kirishima and Bakugo are next to the middle seats which is next to us, "Wait. That's him?" Batsuo asked as I covered his mouth, "I'm here to enjoy my time with my siblings, ok?" I said and relaxed at my seat.

-After a few hours-

A few hours past and we are noe in I-island, I grabbed my bag and left the plane with my siblings, we head inside the I-expo and it's so beautiful. "Hey guys! Say cheese!" Fuyumi said as she pulled out her phone and we took a selfie, "We should book on the hotel now." I said. "Ok, you'll be sharing rooms with me!" Fuyumi said and put her arm around my shoulder, "Guess Shoto and I are sharing." Natsuo said as we walked to the hotel, we booked for two rooms and we got the key.

Fuyumi and I head inside our room and I put my luggage next to the bed I want to sleep, I lay down at the bed and relaxed. Then someone knocked on the door, Fuyumi opened it and it was Shoto and Natsuo, "Y/n. Our father said that you should also represent him, change into your hero costume." He said, "Ok.." I said and head to the bathroom and changed into my costume. I left the bathroom and tied my hair, "Ok. Let's go." I said and we left the hotel.

We just walked around the city and we heard an explosion, "Oh my! Is that a villain?!" Fuyumi shouted, "Relax. It might be someone with an explosive Quirk. Let's go and see!" I said and pulled them towards the explosion. When we appeared, we saw Bakugo and Kirishima, "Woah, that's cool. The two of you should try out!" Natsuo said, "Nope. I'm not trying out." I said as someone called Me and Shoto. "Oh hey! It's Todoroki and Y/n! Oh there's Midoriya too!" Kirishima said as I waved awkwardly, then I made eye contact with Bakugo. "You should really try out!" Fuyumi said, "Okay okay! Geez!" I said and I told Shoto that he go first.

Then Bakugo jumped in front of Midoriya, Shoto took his turn and defeated the robots with his ice. I looked at Bakugo and somehow, he is the only one I can see, no one else. "Wohoo! Your turn Y/n!" Fuyumi shouted, "N-no.. I don't want to-" Then she pulled me inside, I sighed and the girl started coutning. When it reached to 3, I speed up with both my Quirk, I kicked and punched the robots and I got the same score as Shoto. "It's a tie!" Natsuo shouted, 'The two of them are enjoying this?' I thought and went back to them.

-End of Y/n's pov-

While Natsuo and Fuyumi are cheering Y/n and Shoto, Bakugo looked at Y/n smiling. 'Tch. Dumbass.'

To Be Continued..

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