chapter 10 the attack

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Reaching for the creature, Jenn's mind was full of stops, and wondering what will happen. Her hands, arms, knuckles getting inches closer in seconds. Everything she did today left her feeling regret, but before anything further happened, she needed to get rid of that doll. Right when her index finger pricked it's dress, the doll sat up, turning it's head to face Jenn. FEAR. A horrible word in all of our vocabulary, just waiting for it's chance to happen. A word of horror and thoughts. FEAR. Thats what was swimming through her head. All of the fear. She sprinted up the basement stairs when she heard a voice coming from ahead, " Murder, murder, you're asleep and i'm awake, waiting to murder..." Jenn running even faster knew what it was, the doll. When she reached another set of stairs there it was a note. A note folded, and it read Jen on the front. She unfolded the paper. Reading it outloud, "Don't turn around." She did, and right behind her was the doll holding a kitchen knife waiting, watching. It turned to face her, raising the knife waiting to strike. Jenn noticed the picture wall was gone. GONE. The doll, striked, and hit right at her arm, blood dripping down my arm. The pictures, she kept going back to the pictures. Why were they gone? How did they just vanish. They were gone.

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