making out with darryl Noveschosch

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zaks pov
i looked at darryl "good theres not alot of people so i can teach you, why didn't u tell me sooner?"
"i was embarrassed okay muffin head!" darryl said i laughed "cute" i mumbled "what was that?" darryl asked me "nothing"

i looked at all the bright colors as darryl held onto me held his hand while i took him on the rink i could feel his body shaking.

"darry its okay" i assured him it would be find as the brunette wiggled his legs and feet trying to move "you gotta sway dip-shit " "language! and stop being meann" i rolled my eyes "pretend ur taking big steps but sliding as you do so" i said to him.

he tried and started to get the hang of it "whoo!" he said and then he fell. thump

it went from fun to him yelling at me with his muffin talk.


i put my hand on his mouth "shut up bad, everyone falls learning how to skate" he looked at me i could fell his mouth trying to talk i removed my head of his mouth

"you to?" his voice quiet and small  "yeah in the middle of the whole rink and there was alot of people.

his face turned red i felt confused till i herd him
laugh "HAHAHAA"  his laugh became louder

"oh shut up!" i said breaking out laughing

"cmon wanna try again?" i said to bad

he smiled grabbing my hand

we rolled to the music as he started to be  better at skating. we laughed as we skated talking to each-other.

we saw Karl Alex and sapnap skating laughing as they skated to us "teach darryl how to skate?"
Alex asked "yeah he's doing better!" i said
"well skating games are happening soon get him ready!" Karl said smiling at me.

me and bad skated more, he fell a few times but he was getting better.

darryls pov
zak fell on purpose to make me feel better a few times and i thank him for that.

it was time to start the mini games! (do you guys have mini games at your skating rink? bc i do)

i was scared for sure! but there wasn't a-lot of people here. the lady came in the rink her skating was lovely! "FIRST GAME 4 CORNERSS WHEN I ROLL THIS GIANT DICE IT WILL CHOSE WHAT CORNER TO GET OUT! LETS GO!"

everyone went in the rink the lights were on. i was going to corner number 3 while karl went to 4 zak went to 2 alex went to 1 and sapnap went to 3 with me.

there wasn't a lot of people at all. the 5 of us then maybe 6 more people at the skating rink

the lady threw the dice "LET THE GAMES BEGIN WHOEVER WINS GETS A FREE PIZZA!" her voice had a thick accent she almost sounded like Harley Quinn.

"AND CORNER 1 IS OUT" she giggled loudly

we left our corners to a different one i went to corner 2 with zak and sapnap went to 1 were karl was but sadly got out and Alex went to corner 4.

we waited 2 minutes until "ROLLING THE DICE GET READY!" she threw the dice and it landed on "CORNER 3!" i smirked at alex and zak "tell alex its on!" i said to zak.

we moved to our corners i was now against alex and zak and the 3 other people left i didn't know i was gonna win that pizza right now is like an action anime

i was going to corner 4 until THUMP i fell "TIMES ALMOST UP HAHAHA" the lady said "BETTA HURRY!" i tried to get up my my legs ached and i think i cracked my glasses i fell right on my face (haha this happened to me)

i looked around and it was indeed cracked i got up "HAHA 5 4 3" she was counting down i got up and rolled as fast as i could the corner 4 "2!" she yelled i went so fast if i fell at this very moment every bone in my body would have broke.

"1" i looked at her and i was in corner 4 "LETS ROLL THE DICE" my heart was beating and i had goose bumps zak was in 2 and alex was in 1 i smiled at them evilly

"CORNER 1 IS OUT AHAHA!" her accent thick as she said

alex left his corner with another person i herd karl yell "GOOO ZAK!" then sapnap said "GOO DARRYL!" I smiled and went to corner 3 while zak went to corner 1

"THE LUCKY TWO WHO WILL WIN?" i could hear the crowd shout i smiled at zak "UR GOING DOWN MUFFIN HEAD!" i yelled with passion

the lady rolled the dice.

my heart skipped a beat

"CORNER 4!" she looked at corner 4 "no ones there, LETS ROLL AGAIN!"

CORNER 2! she looked at corner 2 "no ones there woopsies


"WOO U WON!" she handed me a pizza ticket and carried me on my way "NEXT GAME IS RACES GET READY LOVES!"

i skated over to zak and gave him a big hug "im sorry!" he patted my shoulder "no worries you won fair and square and it was fun!" he smiled "cmon lets go get pizza while we watch the races!" zak looked at me "oh yeah my sisters coming to watch as well she loves races" i nodded in response as we waked

me karl, sapnap, alex and zak sat at a large booth while we ate our pizza "hey guys!" i herd a female voice call out i waved at daniela "oo pizza can i have a slice or two! she sat next me me and zak "sure thing" i told her

we sat and ate pizza while watching the races "gotta go to the washroom il be back" i smiled waving at my friends

i was in the bathroom till i herd foot steps "zak?' i asked

"no" i herd a familiar voice


"daniela this is the boys room!"

she walked over to me and pressed her soft lips onto mine as i grabbed her waist "first kiss?" she asked "um.. y-y-yes?"

i lied to her

1083 words

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